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IndyWatch Cairns QLD All Topics Summary Today.

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IndyWatch Cairns QLD All Topics Summary was generated at Cairns QLD IndyWatch.

Sunday, 28 May


Ist euch eigentlich schon aufgefallen, wenn ihr hinter ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

Ist euch eigentlich schon aufgefallen, wenn ihr hinter einem E-Auto hinterher fahrt, dass die manchmal krass bremsen, ohne dass die Bremslampe hinten angeht?

Hier ist ein sehenswertes Youtube-Video darber.


Recommendations for reef trips? "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

My wife and I live in Townsville and her family is coming to visit from the US in July. We are presently sussing out the best way to see the reef while they're here. We will be 4 adults and two kids, youngest is 2. What does r/cairns reckon is the best way to see the reef at that time of year with that kind of group?

submitted by /u/walterlawless
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IndyWatch Cairns QLD All Topics Summary Today.

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Saturday, 27 May


Margaret Thatcher on raising living standards - for everyone "IndyWatch Feed National"

Countries are not rich in proportion to their natural resources; if that were so Russia would be the richest country in the world; she has everything, oil, gas, diamonds, platinum, gold, silver, the industrial metals, timber, and a rich soil. Countries are rich whose governments have policies which encourage the...


Cars parked at Pallarenda loop "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

I am seeing more and more cars permanently parked out at Palla, with mattresses. So sad because I know they're not back packers. I want to bring them food. Australia is a rich country. Why are we doing this Albo? We they shouldn't live in poverty here. It's human right to have a home, a bed and live in peace. Something has gone very wrong and we asa community are the only ones that can change this. Politicians are useless. Sorry just a rant.

submitted by /u/ComplexObvious2427
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Canadian doctor and lawyer with 4 kids considering moving "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

I have 1 year left in my legal interning and then I'm done. Wife is a physician (I think you guys call them gp specialists?). Tired of freezing our asses off in Canada. Considering northern nz or cairns. Wife worried about snakes, crocs, and spiders etc. (though I understand horses are the deadliest animals in aus). Would love some local feedback on actual risks. Is it safe to swim in the ocean? Do people do it? How much of a concern in cairns is wildlife?

Also, I see lots of discussion online about homelessness and security. Where I live now I don't usually lock my car or house at night. We've lived in Africa and a few places in the Caribbean, so not a stranger to it, but trying to understand the local reality.

Also, anything else you think a family with kids should know? Anything you'd want to know if you were moving there? My wife leans towards nz but me towards cairns. I don't want to spend my life paying off a 1 million dollar mortgage for a mobile home on an acre. So, any advice would be appreciated!

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Relative_Land_8694
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Liberal Party shock: Woman who fixed the game wins the game. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Maria Kovacic has won the Liberal Party pre-selection to replace Jim Molan after delaying (and delaying) the vote when she was Party President. Poor Jim has been dead for more than 4 months. Its one of the longest delays to replace a Senator in history. With the help of Snaky...


Finding work here "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Ive recently moved up from Sydney to look after an elderly parent. I had a pretty good job in media and was looking for work where my skills can be easily transferred and so far Ive been having a lot of issues. I figured with my years experience, education something should come but I cant even get an interview for data entry and admin. Ive since spoke to a few locals who all say the same thing, its who you know. I know Cairns is regional Australia but I thought it was a big enough city that small minded attitudes wouldnt be an issue. Had anyone got any suggestions on how I can get a job? Is it really based on whose your mate?

submitted by /u/Representative-Day66
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Police happenings? "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

I just saw atleast twelve police cars with lights and sirens on headings south on the Bruce Highway (around Edmonton), anyone know what's going on?

submitted by /u/Lightoutage
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Putin on the decline of The West "IndyWatch Feed National"

Putin just scorched the west. Billboard Chris (@BillboardChris) May 25, 2023


Senators opposing Covid inquiry complicit in vaxx deaths and injuries "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Letter to the Editor Special attention is made to the list of Senators who voted against a Senate inquiry into C19 jab victims. To those who voted on the yes side, your common sense and bravery is to be applauded. All 29 of you voted for and with the people you represent. To those []


Ross Eastgate magnificent on the Chief of the Defence Force's double standards over awards "IndyWatch Feed National"

THE careers of former Queensland police commissioner Terence Murray Lewis and entertainer Rolf Harris were ended by their own moral failures. Lewis was without doubt a corrupt copper, from whom justice could be denied or bought if the price was right. He brought down a premier and a government which...


Predictable result with senate not supporting a Covid vaxx inquiry while the next plandemic is getting ready "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

WHO warns new plandemic is coming By Lyndesy Symonds Based on the tea leaves and the rather bloody entrails, I think the folks who chew the fat over here at CN could have confidently predicted that the Senate of the Australian CoVID Regime of the United [Communist] Nations would not be investigating any deaths o []


Woke Regression, C19 Lab Rats, Economic and Digital Slaves Apathy Allows Tyranny to Evolve "IndyWatch Feed National"

by G5

Part of a task is unacceptable. Progress must be full Regression. America goes Woke, as the rest go forward. What an ending.

In 1968, Disney had wormed its way to an autonomous status over some forty square miles of valuable land in Florida. Then a clash or reality occurred for wokist-infected Disney. It decided to change course from entertaining children to the misuse of its status by becoming a snide indoctrination machine, attacking the minds of young male children.

In the normal course of events; including parents concerned about the psychological indoctrination and lifelong damage, to their young, and being in turn harassed by The FBI as Domestic Terrorists; A Parents Rights Bill was enacted by De Santis. It should not have been necessary if insan...


AFL announces a round of football without a theme. "IndyWatch Feed National"

The most woke sporting code in the country is now a joke amongst fans.


How horrific. "IndyWatch Feed National"

A passenger was arrested after opening an aircraft door during a flight, causing breathing difficulties and ear pain for numerous people on board. #9News FULL STORY: 9News Australia (@9NewsAUS) May 26, 2023


How horrific. "IndyWatch Feed National"

A passenger was arrested after opening an aircraft door during a flight, causing breathing difficulties and ear pain for numerous people on board. #9News FULL STORY: 9News Australia (@9NewsAUS) May 26, 2023


Day out on a reef pontoon recommendations "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Hiya, got my son visiting from melb and was wondering which of the pontoons was best for a days snorkeling? Thanks

submitted by /u/willzterman
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Senators disappear from Chamber when Covid vaxx inquiry vote needed "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Letters to the Editor The way MPs run from the room when one of the 6 politicians who question the plandemic pose a question, Id say all the Senators also know.I voiced my opinion of how unsafe I thought the vax was with most of my extended family. If someone in my family dies suddenly, []


Centrelinks service degrading over the years and they dont care "IndyWatch Feed National"

A trend in many industries, be it medical or welfare and to a lesser extent retail, is that customer service is going downhill, period.

Customers/clients/recipients are now forbidden to complain, about the poor service they must endure, as a result of signage when one walks into a premises that states that no aggressive behaviour will be tolerated.

The operative word there is obviously aggressive, where this can be interpreted as the customer not being happy that he/she cannot get through as a result of a poorly installed phone system or as a result of the staff not being bothered to answer the call.

The federal governments welfare system under not one name but many guises from a true government department, that being the DSS (Department of Social Security) to businesses under the label Centrelink to now Services Australia  has been deliberately failing vulnerable Australians over the decades.

One of the more recently publicised so called failures (which was deliberate by design) was that of Robodebt, where many vulnerable recipients committed suicide as a result of government extortion and unlawful demands, remembering the Towards Zero road campaign in Victoria, where the so called modus operandi is that if it just saves one life its worth it.

At the end of the day, the government hates [financially] poor people, as they are a liability and not an asset that brings in the tax dollars for the coffers of those in government and keeping their precious 'economy' going.

Also the government wants/needs an unemployment pool where control over the population is wielded where full employment is not on any government agenda.

An interview with a person who works within what is now called Services Australia has unearthed some abhorrent practices and attitudes towards welfare recipients.

We just dont care about the people calling us stated the source, further...


Voir Dire, Part 1: Keith Harmon Snow Understands "IndyWatch Feed National"

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This is a new series, sort of subsidiary to the Everybody Knows series. And by the way, 18 parts of that series can now be accessed all in one pdf.  Go to Gumshoes Books page for it.

Voir dire is French for Tell the truth, but its used in courts to mean that during a trial, the parties or the judge can set up a mini-meeting to clarify a point.  Lets have a voir dire, dear. I have seen one completed in less that 5 minutes at the bench. But it can also be the name of a big procedure, such as jury selection. (Tsarnaevs lasted three weeks.) I intend that my little voir dires will fill in some points regarding Dr Russell Pridgeons trial.

And other persons who want to chime in with data on the Pridgeon case can send their voir dire to me...


TRT Worlds The Newsmakers discuss Palestine as a laboratory "IndyWatch Feed National"

My interview on global broadcaster TRT Worlds leading current affairs show, The Newsmakers, talking about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory.

The post TRT Worlds The Newsmakers discuss Palestine as a laboratory appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Covid vaxx maintaining a steady flow of deaths and injuries, but Chant insists on more boosters and flu shots "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Victoria Premier Dan Andrews wants to jab your kids From News Ltd With only a matter of days until the start of winter, the countrys Covid numbers are again starting to climb. The cooler weather is prime time for both Covid and the flu to spread, and despite a strong focus on doing the right []


Hypocritical ALP, Greens senators who stopped the Covid vaxx inquiry "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Letter to the Editor 29 Politicians were prepared to investigate the cause of excess deaths, to be confronted with testimonies and to give opportunity for Australians who are looking for answers. So who are the 30 who care less? Penny Allman-Payne (Greens) was a past Unionist, Activist, Lawyer and High School Teacher.As late as this []


VAERS data reveals 34,000 Americans have died from mRNA vaxx "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Letter to the Editor At first blush, this may seem off-topic, but its really not. The picture may be bigger than the elites merely directing governments of the world to restrict food and energy production out of fears of Global Warming. This has already caused starvation in Sri Lanka, and great social unrest from farmers []


Typepad still hasn't resolved our comment problem "IndyWatch Feed National"

So in the interim I'm putting a Typepad recommended temporary fix in place. Comments should display, but you may lose the ability to reply to individual comments. As a work-around, you could write in the body of your comment "In reply to XXXX"


Benchtop/Countertop "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

I checked Bunnings for a dark wood countertop, but I need a larger size.

Can anyone recommend an alternative place to source butcher block countertops that can either be stained or are already dark?

submitted by /u/expat3ngineer
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Eigenbeschuss im Halbleiterkrieg "IndyWatch Feed National"

Erste Erfolge

Fr die Bundesregierung zeichnen sich bei ihrem Versuch, neue Halbleiterfabriken in Deutschland anzusiedeln, inzwischen Erfolge ab. Wie berichtet wird, knnen der deutsche Autozulieferer ZF und der US-Chiphersteller Wolfspeed wohl damit rechnen, dass die EU die fr ihre gemeinsame Chipfertigung im Saarland in Aussicht gestellten Berliner Subventionen noch im Juni genehmigen wird.[1] Damit stnde dem Vorhaben nichts mehr im Weg. Das Dresdener Halbleiterwerk des Dax-Konzerns Infineon wird mittlerweile fr rund fnf Milliarden Euro erweitert; es handelt sich um die grte Investition in der Geschichte des Unternehmens.[2] Der US-Konzern Intel plant weiter eine Chipfabrik in Magdeburg, pokert allerdings noch um die Hhe der Subventionen. Nun wird zustzlich bekannt, dass TSMC aus Taiwan der Entscheidung, ebenfalls eine Halbleiterfabrik in Dresden zu bauen, nher rckt. Vorstandsmitglied Kevin Zhang erklrt, das Vorhaben mache inzwischen gute Fortschritte; zwar stehe noch nichts fest, ein Beschluss im August sei allerdings wahrscheinlich.[3] Wie Beobachter konstatieren, ist Zhangs uerung die positivste, die bisher von TSMC zu hren war. Man drfe dies als gnstiges Zeichen fr eine Ansiedlung des Konzerns in Dresden werten, heit es.


Ungeachtet der Erfolge werden immer wieder auch kritische Stimmen laut. So monieren Halbleiterhersteller, die Tatsache, dass die Energiekosten in Deutschland erheblich etwa ber denjenigen in den Vereinigten Staaten liegen ein Ergebnis nicht zuletzt des westlichen Wirtschaftskrieges gegen Russland , erschwere es doch sehr, Chips zu konkurrenzfhigen Preisen in der Bundesrepublik zu fertigen. Darber hinaus treibt der Subventionswettbewerb, in dem sich die Vereinigten Staaten und die EU befinden, die Staatszuschsse in die Hhe; Intel etwa, dem die Bundesregierung bereits stolze 6,8 Milliarden Euro zugesagt hat, verlangt inzwischen zehn Milliarden Euro.[4] Berlin muss schon jetzt gewaltige Summen aufwenden: Allein fr das Projekt von Wolfspeed und ZF wird eine halbe Milliarde Euro bereitgestellt; Infineon fordert eine Milliarde Euro. Auch TSMC beansprucht riesige Betrge. Dabei decken die derzeitigen Vorhaben noch lngst nicht alle wichtigen Schritte in der Chipproduktion ab. So werden, wie Beobachter konstatieren, bislang nur sogenannte Frontend-Fabriken in der EU errichtet; das sogenannte Backend aber Verpacken und Testen der Halbleiter werde, weil es beraus personalintensiv sei, weiterhin in Asien durchgefhrt.[5] Die Ansiedlung von Frontend-Fabriken in Deutschland beende also die Abhngigkeit nicht.

Zu wenig Spezialisten

Nicht zuletzt fehlen in der Bundesrepublik die fr die Halbleiterproduktion dringend bentigten Spezialisten. Wie das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) aus Kln im Mrz in einem Gutachten feststellte, gab es zuletzt in Berufen der Halbleiterindustrie in der Bundesrepublik im Jahresdurchschnitt rund 62.000 Fachkrft...


Von Herrman Gring sind folgende Ausfhrungen berliefert:"Natrlich, ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

Von Herrman Gring sind folgende Ausfhrungen berliefert:

"Natrlich, das einfache Volk will keinen Krieg; weder in Ruland, noch in England, noch in Amerika, und ebenso wenig in Deutschland. Das ist klar. Aber schlielich sind es die Fhrer eines Landes, die die Politik bestimmen, und es ist immer leicht, das Volk zum Mitmachen zu bringen, ob es sich nun um eine Demokratie, eine faschistische Diktatur, um ein Parlament oder eine kommunistische Diktatur handelt. [] [D]as Volk kann mit oder ohne Stimmrecht immer dazu gebracht werden, den Befehlen der Fhrer zu folgen. Das ist ganz einfach. Man braucht nichts zu tun, als dem Volk zu sagen, es wrde angegriffen, und den Pazifisten ihren Mangel an Patriotismus vorzuwerfen und zu behaupten, sie brchten das Land in Gefahr. Diese Methode funktioniert in jedem Land." - Interview in seiner Nrnberger Gefngniszelle mit dem Psychologen Gustave Mark Gilbert, 18. April 1946, in Gustave Mark Gilbert: Nrnberger Tagebuch, Aus dem Amerikanischen bertragen von Margaret Carroux, Karin Krauskopf und Lis Leonard, Fischer Bcherei, Frankfurt am Main 1962
Das ist einer der Grnde, wieso Deutschland seit dem Krieg eher unpatriotisch eingestellt ist, und nur zu Fuball-WMs in erwhnenswertem Ausma die Landesflaggen rausgeholt werden.

Entsprechend gibt es hier ein fr auslndische Beobachter unverstndliches Grund-Misstrauen gegen jeden Heini, der patriotische Rituale zelebriert. Zu Recht, wenn ihr mich fragt.

Ich musste daran denken, als ich diese Schlagzeile hier sah:

Union will mehr Nationalhymne-Singen und mehr Deutschlandfahnen
Und wer das nicht will, wer uns nicht beim Bekmpfen der "Schwachstelle der Wiedervereinigung" (Formulierung: CDU) helfen will, der ist unpatriotisch und bringt das Land in Gefahr!1!!

Wer greift uns denn an, fragt ihr? Achtet mal auf Grings Formulierung. Es kommt nicht darauf an, wer angreift. Es muss sogar niemand wirklich angreifen. Es reicht, wenn man so tut, als gbe es einen Angriff. Und das macht die CDU ja die ganze Zeit. Die Linken, die Grnen, die ko-Faschisten, George Soros und seine Neue Weltordnung, Bill Gates. Egal. Migranten!!1!


Where to buy fresh veggies? "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Hi guys! I'm moving to cairns in 10 days and wanted to estimate the food budget. Few questions - Where do people shop for their groceries especially veggies? Does rusty's have cheaper price than Coles and Woolworths? Is there a farmer's market somewhere? Thank you

submitted by /u/Ok_Till_1345
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IndyWatch Cairns QLD All Topics Summary Today.

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Friday, 26 May


Censorship of Indigenous Australians and Palestinians, Stan Grant, Julian Assange, and Truth Tellers "IndyWatch Feed National"

Eminent Australian and Indigenous journalist, Stan Grant, was recently driven  to resign from the ABC (the tax-payer-funded Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) as compere of the high-rating Q+A TV program by a flood of devastating racist abuse  after he participated in a  frank and truthful ABC discussion of the British  Crown and genocidal colonialism on 5 continents that prefaced the ABC coverage of the Coronation of King Charles III. Stan Grant, please come back, decent Australia loves you and needs you.

The 235 year and ongoing settler-colonial Australian Aboriginal Genocide has been associated with about 0.1 million violent deaths and 2 million deaths from dispossession, deprivation and disease. Before the British invasion in 1788 there were 350-750 different Indigenous Australian (Aboriginal) tribes and a similar number of languages and dialects, of which only 150 survive today and of these all but about 20 are endangered in a process of continuing Australian Aboriginal Ethnocide.

From a qualitative perspective the Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Ethnocide  was the worst in human history. The term Aboriginal Genocide  is not used by the ABC nor by numerous Australian commentators. A Search of the ABC for the term Aboriginal Ethnocide yields zero (0) results. Also ignored by the ABC, as UK and US lackeys Australians have invaded 85 countries with 30 of these invasions being genocidal.

The WW1 onwards settler-colonial Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 0.1 million violent deaths and about 2 million deaths from imposed deprivation. The first step that the world should insist on immediately is return of full human rights to all 15.5 million Palestinians, noting that half of them are children and three quarters are women and children. The per capita GDP is a deadly $3,500 for Occupied Palestine versus $55,500 for Occupier Apartheid Israel in gross violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Today all of Palestine and  parts of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria remain occupied. The 7 million Exiled Palestinians are cruelly excluded from returning to their multi-millennial homeland  and  from full human rights. The 5.5 million Occupied Palestinians are denied all human rights as set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). 2 million Israeli Palestinians are subject to 60 Nazi-style, race-based discriminatory laws. A Search of the ABC for the term Palestinian Genocide yields zero (0 results).

There are detailed accounts comparing the Australian Aboriginal  Genocide and the Palestinian Genocide. There is massive censorship of the Palestinian Genocide and ongoing atrocities of Apartheid Israel in a Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted, and US lackey Australia. Indeed the ABC bans use of the term Apartheid to describe genocidally racist Apartheid Israel.

This massive and genocide-ignoring lying by omissio...


Nuclear Turns Fashionable "IndyWatch Feed National"

Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are the new nuclear craze, especially with the U.S. Congress, as Americas representatives see SMRs as a big answer to energy needs and reduction of greenhouse gases, advertised as a green deal for clean energy that skirts the heavy costs of paying the Middle East billions upon billions. However, the devil in the details is dangerously overlooked.

Notable nuclear accidents: NRX (1952) Kyshtym (1957) Windscale (1957) SL-1 (1961) Wood River Junction (1964) K-27 (1968) Three Mile Island (1979) Constituyentes (1983) Mohammedia (1984) K-431 (1985) Chernobyl (1986) Tokai (1997, 1999) Fukushima (2011) but wait, hundreds, possibly thousands, of Small Modular Reactors (nuclear SMRs) are about to pop up around the world. What could possibly go wrong?

Multiple and unexpected failures are built into societys complex and tightly coupled nuclear reactor systems. Such accidents are unavoidable and cannot be designed around. (Charles Perrow, Normal Accidents, Princeton University Press, 1999)

On dozens of occasions because of human error or technical miscue or active threat, the world has come dangerously close to the brink of nuclear conflagration it is a terrifying history of which most people remain ignorant. (Julian Cribb, How to Fix a Broken Planet, Cambridge University Press, 2023.)

Should nuclear power really circumnavigate the planet with mini-power plants?

For Germany, which closed its last three nuclear plants in April 2023, the countrys Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management conducted a study: SMRs have been the subject of repeated discussion in recent times. They promise cheap energy, safety, and little waste. BASE commissioned an expert report (in German) to evaluate these concepts and the risks associated with them. The report provides a scientific assessment of possible areas of application and the associated safety issues. It concludes that the construction of SMRs is only economically viable for a very large number of units and poses significant risks if widely deployed.

Yet, resistance to nuclear power is starting to ebb around the world with support from a surprising group: environmentalists This change of heart spans the globe, and is being prompted by climate change, unreliable electrical grids and fears about national security in the wake of Russias invasion of Ukraine. (Source: Why Even Environmentalists are Supporting Nuclear Power Today, NPR, August 30, 2022)

U.S. senators recently introduced a nuclear energy bill called the Advance A...


"IndyWatch Feed World" "IndyWatch Feed National"

Mermaid, handcrafted by Rock Bottom from driftwood in Port Antonio, Jamaica (now in Escazu, Costa Rica)

June 15, 2011 was the day we first posted on this platform, and while we have evolved multiple times since then we have remained constant and consistent in a few ways.

In the daily search for something worth sharing, photos of birds from around the world have been the most constantas in, every day since the first photo was shared by this old friend who got us started on that habit.

Consistent have been the shared convictions that environmental conservation, no...




The Bougainville Technical College in Tinputz could loose Million Kina worth of infrastructure if the current heavy rains continue.
This is because the river IURUN has been flooded all of this week and most of the river ran towards the School nearly washing the School mess in the process.
Photos provided by school showed that the school could loose many other buildings if the flood doesnot stop anytime soon.
The Deputy Principal Academic, TONY KARAU talked to New Dawn FM saying the School was on high alert of moving some equipment that could be in danger at the moment.
New Dawn FM understands sometimes back there was talk of diverting the river out of the School area but that idea was not allowed by the landowners.
As the situation is more critical now the Government must negotiate again with the landowners to save the School and all the Million Kina infrastructures that are been built for the school with the support of the Australian Government.




<p>260523 The 2023 ABG Leaders Symposium Joint Resolutions<br> New Dawn FM News<br> <br> The second day into the 2023 ABG Leadership Symposium ended the summit on a high note, taking into consideration the discussions and deliberation over the Bougainville Integrated Strategic Development Plan 2023-2027.<br> After much discussion and participation to identify key sector activities and ranking them according to the intended budget allocation proposed by respective team leaders for the five sectors; ECONOMIC (Department of Mining, Department of Primary Industries, Department of Lands, Physical Planning & Development, Environment & Climate Change and Department of Finance & Treasury); INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT ROADS, BRIDGES, WHARVES & AIRPORTS (Department of Technical Services); SOCIAL (Department of Health, Department of Community Development and Department of Education); LAW & JUSTICE SECTOR (Department of Police and Correctional Services, Department of Law & Justice Sector) & GOVERNANCE (Department of Community Government, Department of Public Service) and regional chairmen.
Minister for Commerce, Trade and Economic Development and Vice President Hon Patrick Nisira, who co-chaired the summit.

The 2023 ABG Leaders Symposium Joint Resolutions according to the leaders of the Autonomous Bougainville leaders commit to the draft Vision 2052 and draft Bougainville Integrated Strategic Development Plan 2023-2027 (MTDP 1), as the blue print for planning and development in Bougainville and hereby agreed to the following resolutions to be effected as of this date:
1. Endorse the draft Bougainville Integrated Strategic Development Plan 2023-2027 (MTDP 1) in principle subject to amendments identified in this symposium.
2. Endorse the draft Vision 2052 Framework in principle subject to amendments identified in this symposium
3. Endorse the draft Development Budget Focus for 2024 to 2027 in principle subject to amendments identified in this symposium
4. Endorse the One Plan, One Budget principle to foster the One People, One Nation, One Vision concept in principle. ENDS////AK<br></p>



<p>260523 New Acting Appointments within the Bougainville Administration<br> New Dawn FM News<br> <br> The office of the Chief Secretary released a circular no. 22 of 2023, dated 24th of May 2023, to all Departmental Heads, All Commissioners, All Public Servants and All ABG Companies on the New Acting Appointments within the Bougainville Administration.<br> Shadrach Himata said as the Head of the Bougainville Public Service, hereby make the following new acting appointments for the Secretary Department of Education and Secretary Department of Health.<br> He said this was following the suspension and investigation by the Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee (BSAC) of the respective substantive office holders.<br> Ms Dorothy Kenneth, Education Director Policy & Planning, will be Acting Secretary for Education.
Dr Ruline Pokote, Executive Director Health Standards & Acting Deputy Secretary Public Health, will be Acting Secretary for Health, he said.<br> Himata added these appointments take effect from today until further decision/s by the BSAC or one (1) month has lapsed.<br> He further says to please accord Ms Kenneth and Dr Pokote your full cooperation and support as they assume their respective roles.<br> This circular was copied to the office of the President, BEC Secretary and Bougainville Research Strategic Planning Secretariate. ENDS////AK<br></p>


Numerous RAAF and USAF Aircraft Heard in the Skies Above CQ This Week during Exercises at the Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA) "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

On Wednesday 3 May (Happy Birthday Me!), and on other days this week, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornets and Boeing EA-18G Growler electronic warfare jets have been noted completing exercises within the Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA).

Defence image...

They have been flying up from RAAF Base Amberley in formations using callsigns such as "Cannon", "Carbine", "Colt" and "Buckshot" for the Super Hornets from No. 1 Squadron, while the Growlers from No. 6 Squadron have been flying as "Sabre" and "Brutal".

They have also been heard to fly low-level around Fraser Island and the Sunshine Coast.

Meanwhile, also Wednesday 3 May, two Boeing C-17A Globemaster III transport aircraft from the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and United States Air Force (USAF) have again flown North via CQ airspace before calling into Townsville.  The RAAF C-17 was identified as A41-209, while the USAF C-17 was identified as 05-5146, and they were heard to be flying together as "Charger".



Thought Police: Australias censorship-industrial-complex finally detailed "IndyWatch Feed National"

READ MORE AT TOTT NEWS  Censorship actions taken by the Department of Home Affairs over...


African Gangs Murder Burmese Refugee In Melbournes West "IndyWatch Feed National"

READ MORE AT XYZ Itll be safe they said: Police are searching for a 17-year-old...


Have 6 hours to kill from 6am - 12pm after my connecting flight was cancelled. Is there anything I can do this early in the morning to kill time? "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

EDIT: Flight was cancelled, flight back to Melbourne is now at 7pm. we arrive in Cairns at 7am. Looks like a swim and lunch is on the cards

Are there any internet cafes around? Will probably end up leaving the airport and coming back for the flight in the afternoon.

If anyone has any ideas that would be great.


submitted by /u/spazzo246
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Stolen Generations support gains momentum: report "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Today is National Sorry Day, where the community acknowledges the mistreatment of First Nations people known as The Stolen Generations.

A new report commissioned by Caritas Australia shows Australians want to see more support from the Federal government for the Stolen Generations, with younger Australians aged 18 to 34 believing its important to address the legacy.

Produced By: Eduardo Jordan

Featured In Story: Christine Rhazi First Australia Programs Associate Director from Caritas Australia

First aired on The Wire, Friday 26 May 2023

The post Stolen Generations support gains momentum: report appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.


LECC report on critical incidences released "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission has released a new report looking at critical incidents involving the New South Wales Police over the last five years.

The report included critical incidents up to 2022, and the latest incident where 95-year-old Claire Nowland passed away is not considered in the report.

Produced By: Mia Armitage

Featured In Story: Cassandra Banks President of the New South Wales Law Society

First aired on The Wire, Friday 26 May 2023

The post LECC report on critical incidences released appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.


Calling sexism and discrimination in the music industry "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

A report released last year called Raising Your Voices shows how the Australian music industry still faces sexual harassment and discrimination, particularly towards women.

Despite the challenges faced by women in the industry, theres progress in the matter, especially in regional communities, and one Australian woman is spreading the voice. 

Produced By: Netta Finney

Featured In Story: Karen Jacobsen Singer/Songwriter and Australian voice of Siri and GPS, Pauline Townsend Councillor at Mackay City Council, and Molly Rossetto Singer/Teacher, St Patricks College, Mackay

First aired on The Wire, Friday 26 May 2023

The post Calling sexism and discrimination in the music industry appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.


Social housing is basic to end the housing crisis "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

The housing crisis and the debate of social housing at Parliament House continues.

While organisations like Everybodys Home believe social housing is a good step, they believe the Federal government is not tackling the problem.

Produced By: Rebecca Wotzko

Featured In Story: Maiy Azize National spokesperson from Everybodys Home

First aired on The Wire, Friday 26 May 2023

The post Social housing is basic to end the housing crisis appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.


Air Niugini plane returns safely despite One of its Engine shutdown mid-air "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

Air Niugini has  announced  that  one of the its aircraft  returned safely following an engine shutdown during a flight this morning, from Port Moresby to Goroka. The prompt and professional response of the airline crew, in accordance with established protocols, ensured the safety and well-being of all passengers and crew on board.

This morning, a De Havilland Dash 8-300 aircraft, operating flight PX160 from Port Moresby to Goroka, experienced a technical issue with the Left-Hand engine, having just departed Jacksons Airport, Port Moresby. The flight crew immediately initiated the appropriate actions as per the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). They performed an engine shutdown and having sufficiently reduced the landing weight by burning fuel in a holding pattern, safely returned the aircraft to Jacksons. 

Passenger safety and well-being are our top priorities at Air Niugini, and we would like to reassure our valued customers that all necessary precautions were taken to handle this situation. Our highly trained and experienced flight crew successfully managed the issue with the engine.

Air Niugini is committed to adhering to the highest industry safety standards, and we have already commenced a thorough investigation to determine the root cause of the engine issue, that necessitated the shutdown. We are working closely with the aircraft and engine supplier, and relevant authorities to ensure a comprehensive analysis of the engine issue.

Air Niuginis Acting Chief Executive Officer, Gary Seddon said, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the crew members of PX160 who handled the situation with utmost professionalism and expertise, as well as our passengers for their understanding and cooperation during this unforeseen event.  We are also thankful for the support and guidance provided by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and other relevant organizations.

Air Niugini remains dedicated to maintaining the highest level of safety and operational excellence across our fleet. We have robust safety management systems in place and will continue to prioritize the training and well-being of our crew members. Our passengers can continue to have confidence in Air Niugini a...


Fiction | garramilla/Darwin "IndyWatch Feed National"

We sit in East Point Reserve and look at how the gidjaas, green ants, make globe-like homes out of the leaves connected edges with fibrous tissue that I later learn is faithful silk. Safe inside. Why isnt it safe outside? I pick up the plastic around this circular lake cause this is the way []

The post Fiction | garramilla/Darwin appeared first on Overland literary journal.


PNG Government Secures 60 Percent in Wafi-Golpu Mine Project "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

 The  Papua New Guina Government has finally settled on the total benefit sharing at over 60 per cent from the Wafi-Golpu project.

Prime Minister James Marape, in addressing the Morobe Tutumang in Lae, said the total benefits sharing included taxes, equity, royalty and also an additional social fee for the environment around the project area.

PNG Government Secures 60 Percent in Wafi-Golpu Mine Project, PM Marape announces. 

The framework that was signed in Port Moresby recently is a guide on how best the Government, the developer and the resource owners will be working with each other to take the project from this point on, he said. Marape added under the recently signed MoU framework, the Government had secured a better defined royalty.

PM Marape also explained that according to the law the developer could only pay two per cent.

This is the case with resource owners from other projects in the country.

PM Marape said there were three layers of deductions on that two per cent.

The Prime Minister said that was why the Morobe government had pushed for the royalty percentage to be taken up to five per cent and reduce the equity to 20 per cent. He said considering the demand from the Morobe government, the State had to adjust the numbers to add up the monetary value of the total benefit and settled for 3.5 per cent.

PM Marape explained that the 3.5 per cent that was settled for was just K100 million less compared to the original five per cent.

The Government also secured an additional 10 per cent equity on total benefits sharing because the previous governments agreement was to forfeit 10 per cent of the benefits as royalty to settle for just 20 per cent equity, Marape said.

PM Marape explained that was why former governor Ginson Saonu took the matter to court.

So through the court, we recouped that 10 per cent in equity, Marape said.

PM Marape confirmed that the financing of that additional 10 per c...


PNG Government Plans to Build Nadzab into a City "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

The Papua New Guinea Government has its eyes set on building Nadzab, into a city, now that the new terminal is completed.

Thats from Prime Minister James Marape during his 2 day visit to Lae this week to talk to landowners and provincial leaders on plans for the  billion kina Wafi-Golpu Mine.

PM Marape also promised to work closely with landowners to make Nadzab and industrial hub in the country.

PNG Government Plans to Build Nadzab  into a City : Marape  [Photo: redeveloped Nadzab airport, credit : ekatones.pix]

Speaking to the Morobe Provincial Assembly, Marape says his government will also be working closely with the Provincial Government and the Lae City Authority in ensuring that much needed developments in the country's second city is realised.

He says he will support Lae City Authority and Morobe Provincial Government in the next three to four years to have every road in the city sealed as he praised Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso for taking the leadership in concreting almost all roads in Lae City.

The PM says the continuation of concrete roads will light the face of the country's industrial centre.

Mr Marape also says his government is looking at building a railway line from Lae to Nadzab so cargoes can be moved between Lae and Nadzab when Nadzab is developed and the billion kina Wafi-Golpu mine is in operation.

Kalang News  / PNG Today 

Also read

  • ...


Community Organisations seek strong human rights, labour rights and environmental standards in IPEF "IndyWatch Feed National"

May 26, 2023: AFTINET has coordinated a letter endorsed by 28 community organisations expressing concerns about the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) negotiations taking place in Detroit this weekend.

IPEF is a US trade initiative to diversify supply chains away from China. It is not a traditional trade agreement offering market access, but aims to improve human rights, labour rights and environmental standards in the region.

The wide range of organisations includes environment, union, church, aid and development, human rights, public health and other community organisations, including the Australian Conservation Foundation, Amnesty International, the Australian Education Union, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Oxfam Australia, the Sisters of Charity and the Public Health Association of Australia.

The organisations are seeking more transparency, strong enforceable  human rights, labour rights and environmental standards and retention of government rights to regulate the rapidly changing digital domain in the public interest.

There is pressure from the US to complete the negotiations by November, and that is a danger that these standards will not be met.  US Congress members have also criticised the secrecy of the negotiations.  They have also criticised the Big Tech companies IPEF agenda for deregulation of data flows and digital trade that could prevent governments from regulating to protect consumer privacy and cybersecurity, and from curbing the ability of unregulated Artificial Intelligence to produce deep fake news,

The full letter with endorsements is here.


Woke Channel 9 airs entire YES vote rally and pretends it news. "IndyWatch Feed National"

More than 20 sporting codes have announced their support for a Voice to Parliament as a collective. #9News 9News Australia (@9NewsAUS) May 26, 2023 Add Channel 9 to the list of Australian companies that think we need to know what they think of the Vanity Voice vote. What...


Curious about burned out car Queen's Rd, Railway Estate (next to mangroves) "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Saw it last night on my drive to the Railway Estate bottleshop. Unfortunately no photo as I suspect a car parked opposite was police surveillance. It must have been a massive blaze as there was just a shell remaining, I could only identify it as "a small sedan". Really was jarring to see it less than a few hundred metres away from homes on both sides of the mangroves.

submitted by /u/rebilletlovechild
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IRS Opened Investigation Into Journalist Matt Taibbi On Christmas Eve, Following Government Censorship Reporting "IndyWatch Feed National"

By Christina Maas | Reclaim The Net | May 25, 2023

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) examined independent journalist Matt Taibbis 2018 tax returns on December 24, 2022, which was a Saturday and Christmas Eve. It was soon after Taibbi published the first batch of Twitter Files, internal Twitter documents exposing how federal government agencies pressured Twitter to censor content.

The timing raised eyebrows and many believed it to be an act of retaliation for sounding the alarm on government-backed censorship.

The House Judiciary Committee obtained the details after the IRS was criticized for visiting Taibbis home in March about the tax filing, on the same day the journalist testified before Congress about the Twitter Files.

In a letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, chair of the Judiciary Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said the documents the agency provided raise more questions than they answer.

The IRS defended the review by saying it was trying to determine that Taibbi was not the victim of identity fraud. It further claimed that in 2019, it wrote to Taibbi to explain that there was a discrepancy in his 2018 tax return. However, the documents obtained by the committee show that the IRS opened a review of the tax return on Christmas Eve last year.

Additionally, Taibbi did not owe the IRS. In fact, he was owed a refund, according to the documents obtained by the Committee.

The IRS asserted to the Committee that it sent a letter to Mr. Taibbi on October 24, 2019 nine days after Mr. Taibbi filed his 2018 tax return asking Mr. Taibbi to verify his return because it met identity theft criteria and could not be processed until he confirmed, Jordan wrote.

The IRS alleged that it sent a second letter to Mr. Taibbi on March 23, 2020.

However, according to Mr. Taibbi, neither he nor his accountant received either of these letters or any other notification that there was an issue with his 2018 tax return that is until the IRS conducted a field visit at Mr. Taibbis home three years later.

The IRS also failed to produce these purported letters to the Committee.

Jordan added: The IRSs production shows that the IRS opened its examination of Mr. Taibbis 2018 tax return on December 24, 2022. Not only was this date Christmas Eve and a Saturday, but it also happened to be three weeks after he published the first Twitter Files detailing government abuses and the same day that Mr. Taibbi published the ninth segment of the Twitter Files, detailing how federal government agencies from the State De...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

Calls for Unity Dominate Africa Day Celebrations

FILE - Leaders gather for a group photo at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Feb. 18, 2023. Calls for unity dominated the 60th anniversary celebrations on Thursday, May 25, 2023 for the continent-wide organization preceding the African Union (AU) but critics say the AU has become a paper tiger where there's plenty of talk, but not much much real clout to enforce its mandate. (AP Photo, File)

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) Calls for unity dominated Thursdays 60th anniversary celebrations for the continent-wide organization preceding the African Union (AU) that represented 55 member states. But critics say the AU has become a paper tiger where theres plenty of talk, but not much much real clout to enforce its mandate.

Africa Day events across the continent honored the founding of the AUs predecessor - The Organization of African Unity (OAU) -- whose original purpose was to fight colonialism before evolving in 2002 to incorporate the aims of defending its members sovereignty and independence as well as encouraging their socio-economic integration.

In Addis Ababa where the AU is seated, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed underscored that unity is no more a catchphrase but a means of survival in an increasingly complex world. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa echoed Abiy, appealing for unity and to uphold the bonds that frame our destiny.

In his address, Abiy argued for the need of an African permanent seat at the UN Security Council and proportionate representation at the G7 and G20. Ramaphosa urged for improved governance across the continent amid the conflict in Sudan as well as previous coups in Chad, Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso.

We use Africa Day to reaffirm the importance of consolidating democracy and consolidating good governance across Africa, Ramaphosa said.

Critics say the AU has failed to achieve some of its objectives, but supporters argue that its powers are restricted so as to allow the members heads of state to remain in control.

Kenyan pol...


I've made some changes to the way comments are handled "IndyWatch Feed National"

Please let me know how comments are working for you.


National Reconciliation Week starts tomorrow "IndyWatch Feed National"

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched Australias first National Reconciliation Week and in 2000, the biggest demonstration of public support for a cause in Australia, the Bridge Walk for Reconciliation, raised the national consciousness.

Reconciliation Week starts tomorrow, May 27, and continues with activities across the country until Saturday, June 3. The event provides an opportunity for the people of Australia to come together and learn more about our shared histories, cultures and achievements.

Several activities will take place over the week including the Kinship Festival in Murwillumbah.

Further information can be found at:


The post National Reconciliation Week starts tomorrow appeared first on The Echo.


125,000 SA households to bear direct brunt of energy price rise "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thursday, 25 May 2023

An estimated 125,000 South Australian households will be directly impacted by the Australian Energy Regulators final default market offer which was announced today. 


The rise global investment in clean energy has not yet removed the threat from fossil fuels "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Jim Hayes

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), annual investment in clean renewable energy is at last higher than investment on fossil fuel driven energy.  Investment in renewable energy is expected to reach a cumulative $US4.3 trillion this year.

For every $US1 invested in fossil fuels, $US1.7 is now being invested in renewable energy.

But its not all good news. Fossil fuel usage continues to rise. Investment in it is expected to rise 6 percent to $US1.45 trillion this year alone. Progress towards reaching zero net emissions is not being achieved, despite the persistent warnings that climate change is already with us and accelerating. Coal use is expected to rise by 10 percent.

Image from petrmalinak / Shutterstock

The bulk of the emissions are coming from advanced economies. There is still a considerable amount being contributed by China. Together, they produce around 90 percent of all carbon emissions.

The difference with China is that its per capita amount ranks at 28 in the list of carbon emitters. This 7.38 tons of CO2 emissions per person, compared with 15.52 tons for the United States, according to the Oxford based Worldometer reference website. One reason is Chinas large agricultural sector, still involving a large part of the population. Another is government policy and action.

Whether the measure should be total distribution or distribution per capita is a hot topic. The west insists on former and many other countries on the other, arguing that the emphasis on national rather...


Leaked! Dans Secret Meeting in Beijing "IndyWatch Feed National"

Dan pic was sourced from Dans twitter account

By Kim Skeltys (copyright, 2023)

Gumshoe News has obtained a leaked recording of Dan Andrews confidential meeting with a high-ranking Chinese communist party official, during the premiers recent trip to Beijing.

Below is the transcript of Dans extraordinary conversation with an official whose identity has not been revealed, but shall be referred to simply as Chairman X.

Chairman X: Welcome again to Peoples Republic of China, on your seventh visit comrade Dan! Or should I call you, Stairman Dan? Ha ha ha!

Dan: Honoured to see you again, Chairman X, but with respect, Id rather you didnt call me Stairman Dan as that joke is wearing a bit thin back in Victoria.

Chairman X: As you wish, comrade. But I very glad you have fully recovered from your stumble down dang...


Nicest Snorkeling Experience? "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

What the nicest snorkeling tour provider? Looking for a smaller group, nicer boat, departure from Cains ideally. Willing to pay a little more.

submitted by /u/hedgehog_manager
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Corporate commie clowns at Target shoot themselves in the foot with LGBTIQ merchandise "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

By TONY MOBILIFONITIS ONE might give the board members of Target some credit for being at the top of their game in the corporate world. They come from many of the big global brands like Coca Cola, Pepsico, UPS and Procter & Gamble. But what happened to these presumably smart business minds that they should []


USA, Australia Militarizing PNG: Softly swallowing sovereignty, rendering a vassal state "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

 An independent geopolitical perspective   

by Dominic Navue Sengi* Normal 0 false false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...


Urgent Call for Accountability: Minister Ling-Stuckey's Dismissive Comments Demand Sacking "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

Tribal Echo

The recent remarks made by PNGs former Foreign Minister, Justin Tkatchenko, referring to Papua New Guineans as primitive animals has caused outrage among concerned citizens. This incident brings to light the similarities between Minister Tkatchenko and Treasury Minister Ian Ling-Stuckey, both of foreign ancestry, emphasizing the need for Ling-Stuckeys sacking as well. Ling-Stuckeys outrageous comments, made on the 15th March 2023, on the floor of parliament, about the suffering faced by Papua New Guineans undermine their struggles and exhibit a callous disregard for their welfare. Both ministers show a severe lack of empathy and understanding for the challenges faced by the people. Ling-stuckeys dismissal of the suffering and poverty prevalent in PNG disregards the realities being faced by countless individuals and families.  

In 15th March 2023, Treasury Minister, Ian Ling-Stuckey, made highly misleading comments on the floor of parliament, stating, "We continue to hear statements like 'people are suffering' 'families are suffering,' but no one provides any facts! The data that we have does not support those [statements]." Such remarks not only disregard the glaring realities faced by the people of Papua New Guinea but also undermine the urgency to address the nation's poverty, healthcare, and education issues. The Minister for Treasury must be held accountable for his dismissive stance.  
We, the people of Papua New Guinea, would like to know what data the Minister is referring to, because our data suggests that people are indeed suffering:  

1. Papua New Guinea's Poverty Struggle:  

Papua New Guinea is undoubtedly a poverty-stricken nation, with a significant portion of its population grappling with extreme hardship. According to the World Bank, more than one-third of the population lives below the national poverty line, enduring dire conditions and limited access to basic necessities. The lack of clean water, sanitation facilities, proper housing, and adequate nutrition are just a few examples of the immense suffering faced by countless families across the cou...


Palestine as the ultimate showroom "IndyWatch Feed National"

My interview on Britains Novara Media about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory:

Israel needs friends. And one of the main tools it has used to get them is its arms industry. The 10th biggest in the world, it increasingly specialises in the kind of digital surveillance technology European governments love to pretend they never use.

Such powerful technology has not only forced many of its former adversaries to the table but, paradoxically, has increased the mistrust between itself and its closest allies: the powerful Five Eyes group of anglophone intelligence agencies.

In The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, Antony Loewenstein reveals how this industry has made itself indispensable to the Israeli state.

He joins Rivkah Brown to talk about how Israels often spectacular occupation of the Palestinian territories has allowed it to export not just its sophisticated weaponry but also the very idea of ethnonationalism around the world.


The post Palestine as the ultimate showroom appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Deaths of suspected 30,000 mRNA vaxx victims will not be investigated by a senate inquiry "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

A motion put to the senate by Senator Ralph Babet on May 24 to establish an inquiry to investigate an excess, non-covid related death rate of 17 per cent, or some 30,000 suspected vaccination victims in the Australian population was defeated by one vote. Senator Malcolm Roberts has hit out at the rejection of the []


The digital divide in South Australian prisons "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

This week, the World Corrections and Prison conference took place in Adelaide, discussing the digital divide in prisons.


Advocates say the South Australian prison system is digitally poor, and prisoners dont have access to a computer and many other services, such as education and

telehealth services.


The Wires Eduardo Jordan asked Co-ordinator from Justice Action Brett Collins, what topics the conference discussed.

Image: Image via Creative Commons

Produced By: Eduardo Jordan

Featured In Story: Coordinator of Justice Action Brett Collins

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 25 May 2023

The post The digital divide in South Australian prisons appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.


The ABC has investigated the ABC and found the ABC did no wrong. "IndyWatch Feed National"

The pigs at the ABC would rightly howl and carry-on if someone in the corporate world worked to this standard .but the ABC itself thinks it OK. The ABC Ombudsman has investigated complaints following the Coronation coverage by the broadcaster but found it did not breach editorial standards. There were...


University of Queensland: Botox could save your life "IndyWatch Feed National"

Botulinum toxin: Botox. Image Wikipedia.

Pretty much what the general public knows about Botox is what we see on the emotionless faces of the rich and famous but coming out of the University of Queensland is a study that might see Botox save lives.

Researchers from The University of Queensland have determined how Botox a drug made from a deadly biological substance enters brain cells.



Are small seeds on The Strand toxic to dogs? "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Does anyone know the types of small seeds along the strand path ( may be many). My puppy is in a vacuum cleaner stage and tries to eat as many as possible on walks and Im trying to figure out if some are toxic. I do my best to stop her but she is persistent. Is there a list of trees on the strand somewhere?

submitted by /u/Ocean_Explore-123
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Jack Teixeira, the Deep State, and Captured Media "IndyWatch Feed National"

By Thomas Eddlem | The Libertarian Institute | May 25, 2023

Suspected Pentagon documents leaker Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old Dighton, Massachusetts Air National Guardsman, allegedly released classified documents without permission about the sobering U.S. intelligence assessment of Ukraines prospects in the Russo-Ukrainian War (i.e., Ukraine cant win, despite public official pronouncements about their imminent battlefield victories). Those documents he allegedly leaked also revealed several dozen U.S. soldiers were operating in the war zone (the equivalent of two special ops teams), despite official denials, along with CIA operatives already known to be calling missile and artillery strikes in the war.

Just days after his April 13 arrest, local Boston television news stations were broadcasting Teixeiras high school disciplinary record. He was suspended in high school for threatening language, dont-cha know?

Its like the old joke about the principal telling a kid that this is going on your permanent record, except its now reality. If only Teixeira could have cut a deal like Bart Simpson, we wouldnt have to be having this discussion right now.

What does Teixeiras high school disciplinary record have to do with his revelations about official lies and secrets about Americas involvement in a war with the worlds other nuclear superpower?

Nothing at all. Zip. Zero. Nada. A whole number between -1 and 1.

Theres no journalistic value in the story that Teixeira was suspended in high school for threatening language (he said he was describing a video game at the time). It has no relationship to the story about Ukrainian war lies, and has as much journalistic value as my own high school disciplinary record (or yours). Such dirty laundry in decades past used to be relegated to discussions of celebrity divorces in supermarket tabloids.

But it has a lot of value if your goal is to engage in a general character-assassination using compliant media.

So it brings up a couple of questions: Why is the news media reporting this? And how did they get this information?

The second question is the easiest to answer: The U.S. governments executive....


'Stop Oil' vandals throw paint at UK's Chelsea Flower Show. "IndyWatch Feed National"

BREAKING: JUST STOP OIL SUPPORTERS THROW PAINT OVER CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW GARDEN. What good is a garden if you cant grow food? Millions are starving in the Global South whilst our government ignores the climate crisis, choosing to licence 100 new oil and gas projects. Just...


Independent review recommends overhaul of Australias modern slavery laws "IndyWatch Feed National"

A coalition of human rights and academic organisations has welcomed the findings of an independent review of Australias Modern Slavery Act, and called on the Albanese Government to urgently strengthen the law.

The review, led by Professor John McMillan, AO, was tasked with considering the Acts effectiveness over its three years of operation. The report acknowledges widespread views that there is no hard evidence that the Modern Slavery Act in its early years has yet caused meaningful change for people living in conditions of modern slavery.

The report makes 30 recommendations aimed at strengthening corporate modern slavery responses and increasing regulatory oversight of the law, including:

  • Requiring entities to have a due diligence system in place that will identify, monitor and address modern slavery risks; 

  • Introducing penalties for entities that fail to submit a modern slavery statement, for including false information in a statement, and for failing to have a due diligence system in place; and 

  • Introducing new reporting criteria that requires entities to report on modern slavery incidents identified annually.

The coalition of organisations are calling on the Albanese Government to implement these recommendations and ensure that the newly announced establishment of an independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner be adequately resourced and mandated to provide effective oversight of the Act.   

Freya Dinshaw, Acting Legal Director, Human Rights Law Centre:

We welcome the McMillan report, which shows that the Modern Slavery Act needs to be strengthened in order to ensure that no Australian companies are profiting from exploitation. We urge the Government to now implement these reforms so that the law requires companies to take concrete action to address modern slavery in their supply chains rather than just reporting on their current practices. While we would have liked to see the review go even further and recommend an enforceable duty on companies to prevent modern slavery, its recommendations, if implemented, will substantially strengthen the current law."  

Professor Justine Nolan, Director, Australian Human Rights Institute (UNSW Sydney):

"Modern slavery is a persistent challenge for Australian businesses, governments and consumers. The report acknowledges that the Modern Slavery Act has not yet led to meaningful changes in business practices. This report makes strong recommendations on strengthening enforcement of the law and mandating human rights due diligence. It is time to be bolder and transform the way Australia does business. 



"IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica" "IndyWatch Feed National"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/25/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");


Rumble("play", {"video":"v2nek3a","div":"rumble_v2nek3a"});

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

(36) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: "Unbelievable. Staggeringly brave work FDA, aside from the fact that most have already been forced to take them, even while we were all screaming about this for years while you called us dangerous spreaders of misinformation. There needs to be legal accountability here." / Twitter
(37) Tweet / Twitter
Screen Shot 2023-05-25 at 10.40.59 AM.png (26501454)
Screen Shot 2023-05-25 at 10.41.49 AM.png (25461174)
modRNA Archives - The Last American Vagabond
(21) Orwell Huxleys Ghost on Twitter: "2019 NIH awarded a grant entitled, Genetically Engineered Anterograde Monosynaptic Viral Tracers for Multi-Species Neutral Circuit Analysis, to the University of California, Irvine (Irvine).3 Pursuant to this grant, on December 17, 2019, Irvine made a subaward to the WIV." / Twitter


WATCH: Thwarting Facial Recognition #SolutionsWatch "IndyWatch Feed National"

We all know about the danger of a future society where were all tracked everywhere we go every single day in real time by our phones or devicesbut actually, its worse than that! Youre already being tracked everywhere you go, every day, and it doesnt matter whether you leave your phone at home just as


Schon bemerkenswert, was in Bayern pltzlich geht, ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

Schon bemerkenswert, was in Bayern pltzlich geht, wenn es nicht um Maskenaffren korrupter CSU-Politiker oder rechtsextremistische NSU-Mordanschlge geht, wa?

Oder um Aserbaidschan-Korruption.

Oder um "Parteispenden".


Dear Ukraine-Had-No-Choice Friends "IndyWatch Feed National"

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 25, 2023

Yesterday I published Dear Russia-Had-No-Choice Friends, an attempt to correct what I see as the mistaken idea that the Russian government simply had no possible choice other than to invade Ukraine.

Of course, it is equally mistaken that Ukraine had no choice but to wage this war. I say of course only because I and many others have been repeating ourselves ad nauseum for over a year, not because you agree. And I publish this not primarily to see whether it produces more or fewer denunciations and withdrawals of email subscriptions and donations from people who sign their nasty notes Ex-Friend than yesterdays did. Nor do I publish it under the delusion that it will cross the sufficient-repetition-barrier and persuade everyone. Rather, it is my hope that just possibly a small number of people will give the idea of opposing all war a bit more thought if they see a pair of articles opposing both sides of the current for-or-against, which-side-are-you-on, obey-or-the-enemy-wins madness.

But what in the name of the holy flag of war could Ukraine possibly have done?

As with the same question about Russia, this question is suppposed to be so powerful that no answer should even be attempted.

As with every side of every war, the existence of all human history prior to some bombing is supposed to be eliminated from thought. Were supposed to travel back in our magical time machines to consider what Ukraine could possibly I mean, for godsake, possibly have done when bombs were falling, but not aim our time machine for the day or week or decade before, as that would be silly.

As I consider this narrowing of the question to be dangerously misguided, I will choose to answer what Ukraine could have done in the leadup to that moment as well as in that moment.

To begin, we should remember that U.S. and other...


Was it a good idea for Pastor Brian to go in the witness box? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Brian Houston outside court in. Sydney, Australia in December 2022.

I dont know why Brian didnt have a shave for court. Brian looks like a real dodgy crook here. Brians hair transplants are looking like long straightened grey-gelled pubic hairs. Myriad of Brians planted hairs are falling out.


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Thursday, 25 May


The Group of Seven Should Finally Be Shut Down "IndyWatch Feed National"

Leon Golub (USA), Vietnam II, 1973.

Leon Golub (USA), Vietnam II, 1973.

During the May 2023 Group of Seven (G7) summit, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, near where the meeting was held. Not doing so would have been an act of immense discourtesy. Despite many calls for an apology from the US for dropping an atomic bomb on a civilian population in 1945, US President Joe Biden has demurred. Instead, he wrote in the Peace Memorial guest book: May the stories of this museum remind us all of our obligations to build a future of peace.

Apologies, amplified by the tensions of our time, take on interesting sociological and political roles. An apology would suggest that the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were wrong and that the US did not end their war against Japan by taking the moral high ground. An apology would also contradict the USs decision, backed fully by other Western powers over 70 years later, to maintain a military presence along the Asian coastline of the Pacific Ocean (a presence built on the back of the 1945 atomic bombings) and to use that military force to threaten China with weapons of mass destruction amassed in bases and ships close to Chinas territorial waters. It is impossible to imagine a future of peace if the US continues to maintain its aggressive military structure that runs from Japan to Australia, with the express intent of disciplining Ch...



250523 Police Update
New Dawn FM News

Police reported on Sunday morning, a one-year-old baby boy had allegedly fell into a well at Sohano, died.
According to Police reports the mother of the baby had been busy playing ludo with friends and left the child unattended.
She is likely to face charges of negligence while, police investigations are continuing.
Meantime, a minor who was under the age of 16 years old was impregnated by a grade seven student, and allegedly had a miscarriage a young baby boy.
According to the family of the girl, had allegedly kept the baby until his burial on Sunday.
The minor has been referred to CBC welfare officer and police investigations continuing.
The suspects involved in the Bekut and Kohiso are being held behind bars and attending court proceedings.
Police has also reported the arrest and release on police bail the suspect involved in the theft of Lemanmanu Health Centre ambulance and Hantoa and Sohano Health Centre suspect is also behind bars. ENDS////AK



250523 ABG envisions Vision 2052 into our Nation Building Road Map to achieve Independence
New Dawn FM News

The agenda driven under the 2023 leadership symposium, includes the Vision 2052 into our Nation Building Road Map and details of Vision 2052 Plan, Secretariate and the ABG governments Medium Term Development Plan Road Map 2023 to 2027.
The two-day summit will end tomorrow with a thorough dialogue and comprehensive discussion, deliberation to find resolutions to ensure leaders craft out next 5-year Bougainville Independence Mission readiness program priorities for period 2023-2027 (BISDP).
The Bougainvilles Road Map To Be A Politically, Economically and Socially Independent Nation By 2052. ENDS////AK


DoD Releases Another AOIMSG Briefing Card: Questions Raised Over Redactions "IndyWatch Feed National"

  • The Department of Defense released another Briefing Card about the AOIMSG, a DoD effort previously studying UFOs.
  • This document contains intriguing redactions under exemption (b)(5) and extra information that were absent in previous releases of the same record.
  • A question in the Questions and Answers section and an entire section under Additional Background Information (Not for release) have been redacted, prompting questions about the content and why its being withheld in public affairs materials.
  • The placement of the Additional Background Information section under a question about extraterrestrials prompts the questions on whether or not they are related.
Subscribe to The Black Vaults YouTube channel. A video on the below document is on the way

The Department of Defense (DoD) has just released another Briefing Card pertaining to the establishment of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG). The AOIMSG was a DoD entity dedicated to detecting and identifying unidentified objects of interest in special-use airspace.  These newly released records were released as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release in case 22-F-0381.

The briefing card, possibly a draft version, dated December 9, 2021, carries certain intriguing redactions and extra information that were absent in previous documents released by the DoD, which were chronicled on The Black Vault...



New Dawn FM News

The ABG Leadership Symposium got underway today, as the Bougainville President Hon Ishmael Toroama officiated and declared the two-day summit open.
The second symposium ran with the theme: Implementing Independence Readiness is a forum which included the Bougainville Executive Council Ministers, Parliament Select Committee Chairmen, Bougainville House of Representatives, Parliamentary Services, Heads of Departments and the technical teams.
The ABG Leadership Symposium is an annual event that began last year, hosted by the Central region in Arawa. Today, North region hosts the symposium.
According to the Deputy Chief Secretary Operations Esther Usurup, the administration would like to outline and mention the honor of the National Government partners.
She said the symposium will also have the presence of the National Bougainville Members of Parliament, Regional MP and Minister for Internal Security and Correctional Services Hon Peter Tsiamalili Jr and South Bougainville MP Hon Timothy Masiu and Minister for ICT, who later sent his apologies.
President Hon Ismael Toroama gave his keynote address and officially declared ABG Leadership Symposium open.
Toroama said Bougainvillean had a special experience and the people have spoken through the 97.7% vote calling for an independent nation.
We must make-sure that our future is secured, said Toroama.
Toroama added that the Bougainville government still does not have full control on the draw-down of powers as Waigani still holds that and the pursuit of especially, ABG governments administration and economic powers.
He said the pursuit and progress was made under the Sharp Memorial Agreement on the transfer of powers and functions especially in the economy sector to the ABG counterpart.
However, more significant changes are ongoing as Bougainville will conduct its affairs in the way it conducts its affairs across all sphere of society, Toroama added.
He said this will only come about with the full political Independence and the same government into the future.
We need to question ourselves, what kind of society do we want as an Independent Bougainville nation and how should we go about creating a kind of society we envision, he said. ENDS///AK


Ron DeSantis with another underwhelming announcement "IndyWatch Feed National"

What can we break next? Team DeSantis (@TeamDeSantis) May 24, 2023


Guardian of Freedom Alex Antic on government/bureaucracy's social-media censorship "IndyWatch Feed National"

Why did the Department of Home Affairs make 4,213 requests to social media companies to censor COVID-related matters? Who decides what is mis information or dis information in the bureaucracy/social media censorship industrial complex in Australia today? Watch as I question Senator Alex Antic (@SenatorAntic) May 24, 2023



The chief of the Bougainville Police Service, FRANCIS TOKURA has called on the Government Departments engaging service providers on contracts to make sure they have monies to pay for the service they are engaging Contractors.
Speaking at the end of the Bougainville Business and Rule of law summit yesterday in Buka, MR,TOKURA said most deals are normal Business deals that become a law and order issue because of non-payment of services.
He said many times officers hire cars or engage contractors to do specific work and if the Contractors are not paid they resort in grabbing Government properties like cars, thats when they come to Police to retrieve these cars.
MR.TOKURA said many issues can be avoided by paying Contractors on time.



India-Aus trade ties strengthen, as human rights concerns sidelined "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been met with a warm welcome in Australia as he embarks on trade talks with the Australian Prime Minister. 

This comes as Human Rights Watch (HRW) is calling on PM Albanese to raise human rights concerns with Prime Minister Modi, citing his extremist right-wing Hindu nationalist partys draconian laws and intimidation tactics impacting freedom of speech in India. HRW also pointed to the Modi Governments policies and rhetoric perpetuating violence against marginalised communties.  

According to the Australian Associated Press, when Australias deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles was asked whether human rights should be on the agenda he said India was a large democracy that shared values with Australia. 

The Wire speaks with Democracy in Colour national director Neha Madhok about this.  

Image: Phoenix500 at English Wikipedia via Wikimedia Commons

Produced By: Anisha Pillarisetty

Featured In Story: National director Democracy in Colour Neha Madhok

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 25 May 2023

The post India-Aus trade ties strengthen, as human rights concerns sidelined...


Anti-protest laws under fire as SA Government pushes to crackdown "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Major outcry has erupted amongst a number of human rights organisations and activist groups, as the South Australia Government tries to push through anti-protest laws.

However, Attorney-General, Kyam Maher said the Bill will be a deterrent to protestors causing harm, disruption and risk to others.

The anti-protest laws passed SA governments lower house with support from the Opposition last Thursday, sparked by several days of environmental protests around a gas and oil conference in the states CBD last week.

A recent statement from the Labor Government acknowledges that peaceful public protests have remained a fundamental part of our democracy. However, it says there has been an apparent increase in civil disobedience, causing huge disruption to the general public and putting the safety of protestors and the public at risk, as well as hampering emergency services.

The SA Greens are now also seeking to refer the anti-protest Bill to Parliaments Legislative Review Committee for a parliamentary enquiry.

Image: Image courtesy of Tarale: Creative Commons

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: David Mejia Senior Lawyer Human Rights Law Centre, and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 25 May 2023

The post Anti-protest laws under fire as SA Government pushes to crackdown appeared first on 4YOU 98.5FM Capricorn Community Radio.


Our reader Mr T's last electricity bill is clear - government 'green schemes' are pushing up prices "IndyWatch Feed National"

Why are my electricity bills increasing? There has been an overall increase in the cost of supplying electricity to our customers. This is largely due to the rising costs of wholesale electricity. There have also been increases in government green schemes and market charges.


Telikom PNG Looks Forward to host PITA 27 AGM Business Forum and Expo in Port Moresby "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

 Telikom Limited is excited and look forward to play host to the 2023 Pacific Information Telecommunication Association's  27 AGM Business Forum and Expo General Meeting Conference this year.

Telikom Limited's Chief Executive Officer, Mr Amos Tepi, said the conference will be held at Stanley Hotel in Port Moresby from the 29th May- 1st of June 2023, with close to three hundred delegates from around the Pacific, expected to attend.

According to Chairman of Telikom Board Cedrick Rondoke, PITA has been around for more than sixty years but has never hosted  any conference in any of the member Pacific Island countries.

This year, Telikom was given the rights to host the conference for this year, and we are excited.

PITA will meet all travel and accommodation costs, while Telikom will only meet  the cost of hosting the actual event, which will be first of its kind, , Mr Rondoke said.

Telikom is currently working with KCH  in its  preparations towards hosting this conference.

It is understood a Diverse Hosting Committee has already been set up to work with PITA and partners in their efforts to make this PITA 27, a very memorable event for all PITA members and friends.

Meanwhile Prime Minister James Marape, who was invited to be the Guest Speaker will not be able to attend, as he will be travelling to  South Korea  with other pacific island leaders for a meeting with the South Korean Government.

He says South Korea is one of our biggest trading partners  and it is important for PNG to attend this meeting, therefore he will not be here  but have asked his Deputy ,Mr John Rosso to attend PITA 27, on his behalf.

However, he has assured his governments full support to Telikom to host this prestigious event.

The world today and going forward is ICT based, we cannot be left behind.

ICT under rides the platform in which, commerce and economy rides on, health rides on, education rides on our people make connections on so it is very very important for us, we will support Telikom in hosting PITA, PM Marape said.

Kalang FM/ PNG Today Photo Credit: Telikom Limited



Enormous building fire breaks out near Sydney's Central Station "IndyWatch Feed National"

BREAKING: A major fire has broken out in a building near Sydneys Central Station. The fire on Randall St in Surry Hills, near Sydneys Central Station, broke out before 4pm on Thursday. Follow updates: The Australian (@australian) May 25, 2023 A view from central station in Sydney...


Airways Hotel has new food offerings and flexible rates on radar "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

In addition to the ongoing refresh of its inventory, recently appointed General Manager Robert OBrien also plans to revitalise the dining experience for guests with some exciting new dining experiences planned for later this year.


OBriens appointment in May 2021 coincided with efforts by the hotel and residences to restructure the business to accommodate for a COVID downturn, and since then hes championed the hiring of more local staff, while also making the hotel more attractive to local and overseas guests alike. 

For the hotel alone, we currently have around three-staff per guest, and unlike years past, most of these are now locals, notes OBrien. 

More dynamic pricing

Since creating more dynamic pricing models, OBrien is now attracting guests that previously didnt have the hotel on radar. To better engage with the local community, he has also put greater focus around weekend promotions to local Papua New Guinean families with kids. 

Weve got a lot more [pricing] flexibility now so that when people are making reservations, we can offer more options based on what they want, says OBrien. 

Were making a significant investment this year in upgrading our food and beverage experience including the buffet and restaurant dining area.

The perfect foodie getaway, which includes dinner and breakfast buffet is extremely popular, and were picking up anything between 20 to 50 rooms on a weekend, while the suite pa...


Australias censorship-industrial-complex finally detailed "IndyWatch Feed National"

Censorship actions taken by the Department of Home Affairs over COVID-19 misinformation has finally been revealed, with exact details unveiled in a Australias censorship-industrial-complex finally detailed


Electricity price to increase by 20 - 25% this year - as set by Energy Regulator "IndyWatch Feed National"

From 1 July 2023 residential customers on standard retail plans will see price increases of 20.8% to 23.9% without controlled load, depending on their region, and between 19.6% to 24.9% with controlled load, depending on their region. The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today released its final determination for the...


INTERVIEW: Chay Bowes What They Wont Tell You About Russia "IndyWatch Feed National"

Why NATOs proxy war against Russia is based on pure Western propaganda.

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on May 9, 2023, Patrick talks with independent journalist Chay Bowes about the May 9th Victory Day celebrations in Moscow and gives a brief history lesson on the events of WWI and WWII and how these led to the current conflict in Ukraine, and why NATOs proxy war against Russia is based on pure western propaganda. All this and more. Listen:

More from Chay Bowes:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):




Get Surfshark - Jaw Dropping Deals on Fast, Easy-to-Use VPN


Beware of ISW "IndyWatch Feed National"

QUESTION: Marty, the Institute for the Study of War is claiming that the fighting inside Russia was not Ukrainians but Russian anti-Putin groups. This seems strange since they were attacking civilians and you would think if they were Russians they would have targeted Moscow not something just across the border. Who is this Institute? Is this more propaganda from the West?

Thank you


ANSWER: Do not trust ANYTHING coming from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). They are claiming sources inside Russia say they were Russians, not Ukrainians. I would not believe anything from the ISW. I believe they are the source of the idea for the TOTAL destruction of Russia and for the West to occupy and divide up Russia. They do not promote peace only war. World peace is possible just by looking at Rome. When everyone benefited by being part of the Empire which allowed them to sell products throughout the Empire, it created local jobs, and that is what created peace. The Neocons are tearing the world apart and using climate change to try to destroy the economy of Russia for political purposes. They ignore peace or the cost to the economy of war, which is always inflation, reducing the standard of living of the people for their selfish goals or war. Their destruction of NordStream is an example of their treachery.

It will always be anti-Russian propaganda because it is a Neocon organization. Kimberly Kagan, Robert Kagans sister-in-law, is the founder of the ISW, which is the source of much of the fake news. Most curious, even the New York Times wrote about this Kagan family that they were really leftists and very outspoken to the point o...


PNG's National Airline Air Niugini meets with Palau President "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

Acting Air Niugini Chief Executive Officer, Mr Gary Seddon and his executives met with Palau President, Surangel Whipps Jr in Port Moresby over the weekend to deliberate on the current Air Niugini flights between PNG and Palau.

Both parties expressed that there are further opportunities to explore to promote the sector, build interest and steadily grow passenger volumes. 

Pic caption: Front row, from left: Palau President, Surangel Whipps Jr(in blue shirt holding PX aircraft model) and his delegation met with ANG A/CEO, Gary Seddon and his executives in Port Moresby over the weekend.

They further added that by connecting Pacific Islands to drive trade and tourism, it provides an opportunity for Air Niugini to strengthen its position as a regional airline, supporting the sixth freedom traffic which is the right or privilege of operating scheduled international air services via the home state of the carrier to move traffic between the two states.

Mr Seddon said This is a fantastic opportunity for Air Niugini to participate in an invaluable initiative connecting people across the Pacific. We are honoured to have had the chance to share Air Niuginis future plans with the President and his delegation.

This will further be underpinned by Air Niuginis fleet replacement program. Mr Seddon added

The sector between PNG and Palau is supported by the Australian Government through an initiative to promote regional connectivity. 

The Air Niugini PNG/Palau flights commenced in February this year with weekly flights operating every Tuesday from Brisbane via Port Moresby and Koror(Palau).

The Palau President and his delegation were in Port Moresby for 

the India Pacific Islands Co-operation forum, which ended on Monday.


Next : ...


Air Niugini Hosts Networking Event for agents "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

Air Niugini held a networking event for its travel and ticketing agents in Port Moresby last Thursday (18th May) to brief them on the latest plans and developments within the airline, the first face-to-face meeting since COVID.

The event also provided an opportunity for agents to discuss and ask questions about the airline products and anything relating to Air Niugini.

Apart from the agents in Port Moresby, there were also those who travelled in from Kieta, Madang, Lae and Goroka for the event.

Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr Gary Seddon thanked the fifty plus agents for attending the event and gave an update on the progress since he joined Air Niugini two months ago.

He highlighted several activities including re-fleeting, opportunities to improve customer service and airfares.

Mr Seddon said, As part of longer-term efforts to reduce airfares, Air Niugini is introducing new and more fuel-efficient aircraft to our inventory. We will continue to effectively manage expenditure and ensure the successful integration of new aircraft and crew. We need more seats on more efficient aircraft, to help us to reduce airfares.

This significant fleet replacement program will see the acquisition of 13 state of the art aircraft over the next five years, including the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Before that, Air Niugini will add two more Boeing 737-800 aircraft to the fleet as well as four Dash-8 Q400 turboprops. These aircraft will arrive by September.

 Mr Seddon said. We will restore integrity in our schedule and confidence in our service. We are also strengthening our capacity and are actively recruiting pilots and cabin crew. Our plans also heavily depend on the development of domestic airport infrastructure runways in some centres need to be strengthened and lengthened. 

Since Mr Seddon joined, Air Niugini has commenced a skills enhancement program to improve customer service for all front-line employees including ground staff and cabin crew. 

Air Niugini has also established a leadership program with the first of many future airline leaders commencing the program shortly. 

Air Niu...


The Chinese question and colonial capitalism in New Gold Mountain "IndyWatch Feed National"

SBSs New Gold Mountain sets out to recover the history of the Gold Rush from the marginalised perspective of Chinese settlers but instead reinforces the erasure of Indigenous sovereignty. Although celebrated for its multilingual script and diverse representation, the mini-TV series ignores how the settlement of Chinese migrants and their recruitment into colonial capitalism consolidates the ongoing displacement of First Nations peoples.

The post The Chinese question and colonial capitalism in New Gold Mountain appeared first on Overland literary journal.



240523 BBA to improve its committee
New Dawn FM News

The Buka Business Association says in future the association will be called the Bougainville Business Association to be inclusive to other businesses.
According to Interim President Jeffery Magum, the elected committee will be focused on setting up its policy.
He said the aim of the association is to one day become a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
He congratulated former President, Robert Critchley the longest serving BBA president for five years for taking BBA to this level.
Secretary of the Buka Business Association Salome Rihatta, said that it is important for businesses to feel that their properties and rights will be protected. ENDS///AK



Notes on America, Twitter, Royals, and WWIII "IndyWatch Feed National"


[Some emails from G5]

by G5

Twitter CEO

The concern is that Musk made a major error by appointing Linda Yaccarino as Twitter CEO. Two points:

Firstly, it appears he is pandering to a portion of leftoid buying audience.

Secondly, he always sits them on a platform that has a break-open slide to oblivion, and he controls the lever.

She is...



240523 Funding stops Police from fully carrying out their duties
New Dawn FM News

Fully funding the Bougainville Police Service annual budget is a failure on the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary force in PNG.
This concern was highlighted by the Deputy Police Commissioner and Chief of Bougainville Police Francis Tokura.
Tokura told the Business and Law and Order Summit in Buka that the proposed budget of K5 million by Bougainville Police Service over the past five years since 2019 has been less allocated by both PNG and ABG governments.
Funding in the last five years from the RPNGC allocation since proposing its budget in 2019 (K600,000.00), 2020 (K50,000.00), 2021 (K75,000.00), 2022 (K76,000.00) and 2023 (K108,000.00).
While, from ABG government allocation is 2019 (K3.8million), 2020 (K3.8million), 2021 (K500,000.00), 2022 (K2.9million) and 2023 (K2.9million). BPS is yet to receive 2023 funding from RPNGC, he added.
He said with the level of lawlessness and vacuum in the restructure of the force is not satisfying enough.
Currently the position of the Superintendent Operations, Director Corporate Services and Coordinator Community Auxiliary Policing (CAPS) still vacant.
The three regional commander positions are also vacant, he added.
Tokura says this is because the funding required is allocated insufficiently.
We have issues with logistics, fuel, manpower, accommodation and list continues. The Bougainville Police Service cannot maintain the welfare of its staff as well, Tokura added.
There is basically 89 regular police in Buka, Tinputz and Hahon. Forty-two police officers in Central which covers Wakunai,Panguna and Kieta and 37 police officers in South Bougainville which covers,Buin,Siwai,Bana and Torokina.
He says according to United Nations the ratio of one policeman to population is expected to be 1: 48, however, due to our manpower it is like 1: 2000.



Another dummy spit performance from Hideous Lidia "IndyWatch Feed National"

Explosive scenes in senate estimates today. Read the full story: The Australian (@australian) May 24, 2023



240523 A prominent business figure in Bougainville is proposing the ABG government prioritize law and order budget
New Dawn FM News

A prominent business figure in Bougainville is proposing the Autonomous Bougainville Government prioritize 5 to 10 percent of their budget allocation to strengthen police service in the region.
Former Regional Member of Parliament and Buka Town Mayor, MR.FIDELIS SEMOSO says unless the ABG government focuses on Bougainville Police Service, nothing much can be done about the situation on the ground.
He said capacity building and infrastructures are much needed to assist the institute to execute its duties to ensure the rule of law is enforced and implemented.
Unless ABG government prioritizes the Bougainville Police Service budget we will end talking about the same things, he added.
Deputy Police Commissioner and Chief of Police Francis Tokura agreed to the mayors words.
He said the Bougainville Police Service will be organizing a symposium soon to find the actual cost of running the Police Service in the region. ENDS////AK



US company plans to capture about 15 million metric tons annually of CO2 from air then bury it "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Australian meat processors warn that manufactured CO2 supplies are dangerously low and could affect food supplies Navigator Heartland Greenway proposes a pipeline project that aims to capture all that CO2 out of the air and from ethanol plants, convert it into liquid form, and pump it into a permanent underground sequestration site, depriving plant life []


Phony welcome to country not welcome at Anzac service "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

Letter to the Editor Many attended the dawn ANZAC Day Memorial Services to honour and remember our fallen heroes, a solemn time for all Australians to reflect and remember those who fought to defend our nation and maintain the democratic freedoms we enjoy this day. Lest We Forget. Embarrassingly the MC opened with a Welcome []


China, Russia to accelerate grain corridor project to reduce reliance on Western imports "IndyWatch Feed National"

Russia is speeding up the construction of a corridor in its Far East region in a bid to export more grain to Inner Mongolia in Northeast China. On Wednesday, the same day the Ukraine military said it had driven Russian infantry back from some positions around Bakhmut, the Kremlin said that it will boost its grain exports to China via the New Land Grain Corridor. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the cabinet and the central bank to work out an intergovernmental agreement to boost grain exports to China by October 1, Russia's national day, Russian news agency TASS reported. Chinese state media said that, after tariffs, quotas and logistic problems are solved, China will import more wheat and barley from Russia and reduce its reliance on grain imported from western countries including Australia, the US, Canada and France.


The Australian Twitter Files - Senator Alex Antic "IndyWatch Feed National"

Why did the Department of Home Affairs make 4,213 requests to social media companies to censor COVID-related matters?

Who decides what is mis information or dis information in the bureaucracy/social media censorship industrial complex in Australia today?

Watch as I question the Department during Senate estimate about this incredible development confirming what many Australians already suspected.

See video:


Dual Use: New Aerosolized mRNA-Delivering Nanoparticles Can Vaccinate Or They Can Eliminate "IndyWatch Feed National"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/24/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");


Rumble("play", {"video":"v2n8ioy","div":"rumble_v2n8ioy"});

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

Sam Altman: Artificial Intelligence, the Bilderberg Group, and Worldcoin
The Roots of Modern Eco-Terrorism: From MK Ultra and the Unabomber to Maurice Strong and Yuval Harari
Maurice Strong - Wikipedia
New Tab
Wayback Machine
(43) Michael P Senger on Twitter: "New paper in The Lancet shows COVID lockdowns and mandates had no effect in reducing COVID deaths, but led to increased levels of violence, drug use, economic wreckage and inequality." / Twitter
30 tons of explosive chemicals unaccounted for after going missing in rail shipment | The Independent
(42) DOOM MADVILLAIN on Twitter: " why would they announce this??? This feels weird" / Twitter


Everybody Knows, Part 17: Was the Thalidomide Tragedy Intentional? "IndyWatch Feed National"

(L) Dr Wm McBride, Photo: (C) skeleton of a rabbit, Photo: (R) Dr Doulas Keeping of Queensland(L) Dr Wm McBride, Photo: (C) skeleton of a rabbit, Photo: (R) Dr Doulas Keeping of Queensland

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This article is not strictly related to this series subject, the upcoming trial of Dr Russell Pridgeon. My excuse for publishing it, is that a GumshoeNews Commenter complained that we had censored our own work on thalidomide. True, I did delete my 31 May 2021 article but am now re-running it. As you will see, it sheds odd light on the NSW Medical Council. For me as a law-trained person, one of the biggest discoveries about Pridgeons case was the shadowy role that a Medical Council can play in cancelling a license.

I agree with Russell that such councils make it possible for the government to remove any doctors registration good behavior no bar! And recall my...


Protesters call for West Papua to be included on UN decolonisation "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

Protesters call for West Papua to be included on UN decolonisation
list By APR editor May 24, 2023

Asia Pacific Report

An Australian advocacy group has called for West Papua to be reinscribed on the United Nations list of non self-governing territories, citing the sham vote in 1969 and the worsening human rights violations in the Indonesian-ruled Melanesian region.

The UN Special Committee on Decolonisation began its 2023 Pacific Regional Seminar in Bali, Indonesia, today and will continue until May 26.

Tomorrow the annual International Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories is due to begin tomorrow and will end on May 31.

Although West Papua is not on the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories, it should be, said Joe Collins of the Australia West Papua Association (AWPA).

Its 60 years since UNTEA transferred West Papua to Indonesian administration, which then unceremoniously removed it from the list.

As for the so-called Act of Free Choice held in 1969, it was a sham and is referred to by West Papuans as the act of no choice.

Seriously deteriorating
Collins said in a statement today that the situation in West Papua was seriously deteriorating with ongoing human rights abuses in the territory.

There are regular armed clashes between the Free Papua Movement [OPM] and the Indonesian security forces, he said.

West Papuans continue to be arrested at peaceful demonstrations and Papuans risk being charged with treason for taking part in the rallies.

The military operations in the highlands have created up to 60,000 internally displaced people (IDPs), many facing starvation because they fear returning to their food gardens because of the Indonesian security forces.

Recent armed clashes...


Masons and the secret plan of Canberra "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Lodge St Andrew Queanbeyan No. 56s newly invested Worshipful Master and his officers/team for 1977.
POWER struggles, clandestine activities and conspiracy theories just another day in the nations

Not exactly, but in this tale theres no shortage of intrigue, political and otherwise, as well as things known and unknown: just one of the latter, that both Queanbeyan and Canberra have a long-standing association with the most obscure and arcane of organisations, Freemasonry. 

It may even surprise many to learn that the man dubbed the father of Canberra for helping ensure the new Federal Territory was sited alongside his hometown of Queanbeyan, John Gale, was a founding member of the brotherhood in this region.

The ancient craft, said to be linked to the Knights Templar themselves decimated on Friday the 13th, 1307 when King Philip IV of France condemned them rather than repay a debt owed and identified with fancy outfits, prestigious titles and an exclusively male membership, arrived on these shores with the First Fleet. In 1845, Sydney Lodge No.1 was instigated.



The Quad is a US-led grouping of countries promoting war, not peace "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Quad summit scheduled in Sydney on 24 May was cancelled due to the last minute announcement that US President Biden will not be doing a stopover in Australia from the G7 talks in Hiroshima, Japan, 19-22 May.  No US replacement for Biden was announced.  Instead, the Quad war summit of 4 heads of states and governments US President Joe Biden, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was moved to the sidelines of the G7 meeting in Hiroshima. 

It appears the decision to move the meeting to the sidelines of G7 was made unilaterally by the US.  The US is the major player in the war mongering Quad.

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, (Quad) is a military and economic grouping brought together to contain Chinas economic development and growth.  China is challenging US economic supremacy in the region. 

Since the 2011 US military Pivot into Asia-Pacific the US has expanded and intensified the militarisation of the region with the support of governments of Japan and Australia.

The Quad is a war grouping to uphold the global US rules based order in the Indo-Pacific.  It will not bring peace and prosperity to the people of this region.

Like AUKUS, the Quad is an instrument of aggression and war, intensifying military and political tensions in the region, dragging the people of this region into an unjust imperialist war.

The people of Australia and Asia-Pacific do not want to be dragged into another US led war between the super powers.   The people want peace, secure livelihoods, a clean and safe environment. 

Polls show that the majority of the Australian people do not support Australia following the US into a war with China.  A recent Lowy Institute Poll shows more than half do not support Australia siding with either the US or China, and want the

Australian government to be neutral.  A strong majority of young people said they want Australia to be neutral in the event of war breaking out between the 2 rival super powers.


The Australian Anti-AUKUS C...


SILENCING YOUR VOICE "IndyWatch Feed National"


Did you know that in law, if it is approved by the national electorate, The Voice Referendum will constitutionally silence the voices of 96.8% of voters.

Posting short link:

THINK CAREFULLY ABOUT THIS FACT : The benefit to politicians is that they will only have the constitutional obligation to listen to 3.2% of voters.



Labor MP spruiks 202324 budget "IndyWatch Feed National"

MPs Anthony Albanese and Justine Elliot. Photo Jeff Dawson.

Cost of living relief, investment towards net-zero and economic responsibility is how local federal Labor MP, Justine Elliot, has framed her partys first budget this term.

I know for our region thats vitally important, Elliot told BayFMs Community Newsroom last week.

The member for Richmond also took the opportunity to express outrage at the Greens refusal to support Labors Housing Australia Future Fund Bill 2023.

According to The Guardian, the Greens say they will not support it, unless the government offers substantial improvements, including $5B of direct spending on housing and a national rent freeze.

And overshadowing Labors budget was their commitment to implement the previous governments stage three tax cuts, which will give those earning over $200,000 per year a $9,000 windfall. 

Some of the nations top economists told The SMH (Nine) in 2022, the tax cuts were unaffordable and would drive inflation.

So, whats in the Labor governments federal budget for the people of the Richmond electorate?

A big component of Labors budget aims is strengthening Medicare through a whole range of initiatives, Elliot said, before describing the tripling of bulk-billing incentives as the...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

Whos Behind the Attack on a Russian Region Bordering Ukraine?

Fighters of Russian Volunteer Corps stand atop on an APC during press conference not far from the border in Sumy region, Ukraine, Wednesday, May 24, 2023. Russia's military said Tuesday it quashed what appeared to be one of the most serious cross-border attacks from Ukraine since the war began, claiming to have killed more than 70 attackers in a battle that lasted around 24 hours. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

TALLINN, Estonia (AP) Russia alleges that dozens of Ukrainian militants crossed into one of its border towns in its Belgorod region, striking targets and forcing an evacuation, before over 70 of the attackers were killed or pushed back by what the authorities termed a counterterrorism operation.

One group claiming responsibility for the strike, the Russian Volunteer Corps, denied Wednesday it had lost any men and said its action had exposed Russian border weaknesses.

The conflicting versions of events reflect the role of disinformation and propaganda in the 15-month war.

Ukraine denied any involvement in the skirmishes Monday and Tuesday. It blamed two Russian groups, including the RVC, that claim to be volunteers fighting in coordination with Kyivs forces in an uprising against the government of President Vladimir Putin.

happened appears to have sent Moscow scrambling to respond to one of the most serious border incursions since Putin launched the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Belgorod Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov said an elderly woman died in the chaotic evacuation, and 12 people were wounded in the attack and shelling.

A look at whats known about the attack and the murky groups who say they carried it out:


Two groups the RVC and the Freedom of Russia Legion claimed responsibility for the attack and announced an ambitious goal of liberating the Belgorod region. Little is known about them beyond what they say about themselves.

In early March, the R...


PNG and Australia Sign Indo-Pacific Carbon Offset Scheme Joint Action Plan "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

 PNG and Australia have signed the Indo-Pacific Carbon Offset Scheme (IPCOS) Joint Action Plan as a key outcome of the 2023 PNG-Australia Climate Change Dialogue. 

The Joint Action Plan outlines new areas of collaboration which will support PNGs participation in international carbon markets.  

IPCOS is investing AUD104m over ten years to help countries in the Indo-Pacific build expertise, strengthen policy frameworks and enhance legislative systems to participate in global carbon markets. In 2021, PNG became one of the first countries to sign up to participate in the initiative. 

Participants at the 2023 PNG-Australia Climate Change Dialogue also committed to work together to improve PNGs access to climate finance, deepen collaboration in international climate diplomacy, and share expertise on sustainable forestry practices.  

Also read


Parliamentary Inquiry called into NSW Police "IndyWatch Feed National"

Sue Higginson MLC. Photo Tree Faerie.

Upper House NSW Greens MP and Lismore resident, Sue Higginson, says she tabled a notice of motion in NSW Parliament on Tuesday calling for a Parliamentary Inquiry into NSW Police, following the tasering of 95-year-old dementia patient, Clare Nowland last week.

Higginson, who is also the Greens spokesperson for Justice, said the inquiry should include the subsequent revelations of other incidents of police causing harm to elderly residents in aged care homes across the state.

Her motion comes days after the conviction of Sydney police officer, Ryan Barlow, for the assault of a 16-year-old First Nations boy, who was filmed hitting the ground, face first, with a leg sweep. 

Additionally, a report by the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) on Tuesday identifies a plethora of failings in matters of integrity and oversight in the NSW Pol...


Scuba Diving Certifications "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"


My fianc and I are looking to travel to Cairns for our honeymoon from the United States. We are interested in going scuba diving in the area, but we are unsure about what kind of certifications would be necessary to proceed. Neither one of us have any scuba diving experience. Would it be better to get a certification here in the United States, or would it be simpler to be certified in Cairns? If so, how long would an certification in Cairns take? Weve tried doing our own research on this matter, but we cant seem to come to a clear conclusion, so any info would help. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Antique-Manner-1066
[link] [comments]


Pandemic Accord round table at UN getting ready for the next plandemic "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

All countries have to sign onto treaty by May 2024 Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus says the next plandemic wont wait for us


America's wars and the US debt crisis "IndyWatch Feed National"

To surmount the debt crisis, America needs to stop feeding the Military-Industrial Complex, the most powerful lobby in Washington. In the year 2000, the U.S. government debt was $3.5 trillion, equal to 35% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By 2022, the debt was $24 trillion, equal to 95% of GDP. The U.S. debt is soaring, hence America's current debt crisis. Yet both Republicans and Democrats are missing the solution: stopping America's wars of choice and slashing military outlays. Suppose the government's debt had remained at a modest 35% of GDP, as in 2000. Today's debt would be $9 trillion, as opposed to $24 trillion. Why did the U.S. government incur the excess $15 trillion in debt? The single biggest answer is the U.S. government's addiction to war and military spending. According to the Watson Institute at Brown University, the cost of U.S. wars from fiscal year 2001 to fiscal year 2022 amounted to a whopping $8 trillion, more than half of the extra $15 trillion in debt....


Hunters Promise To Support Delta Police In Fighting Crime "IndyWatch Feed National"


LAGOS MAY 25TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The Zonal Commander of Nigeria Hunters and Forest Service (NHFS), Aniocha South Local Government Area of Delta State, Monye Chukwuka, has said the body was established to support the police in ensuring safety of lives and property.

He stated this in a chat with newsmen at Azagba Ogwashi. Monye called on members to perform their duties diligently, without fear or favour, to ensure the locality continued to enjoy peace.

He lauded the Divisional Police Officer in charge of Azagba- Ogwashi Police Post, DSP Lekan, for his effective performance, describing him as a father, mentor and combatant police officer that had answered distress calls any time of the day, just as he noted that officer Lekan had brought his wealth of experience to bear in the discharge of his duties.

Monye said Azagba-Ogwashi and its environs were enjoying relative peace because of the effective performance of the police officer and his team, adding that the NHFS would continue to assist the police to sustain the existing peace and security in the area.

Nigeria Observer



Stella Assange came to Australia to demand justice for her husband "IndyWatch Feed National"

Editorial opinion

On Monday 22 May Stella Assange held a press conference at the Press Club in Canberra. She had come to Australia to confront Untied State President Joe Biden and call on the Australian government to act to help free her husband, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from prison and stop his extradition to the United States.

She said: My visit here was originally prompted by the official visit by President Biden and the Quad summit. After it was cancelled, I decided to come anyway. I did not want to lose an opportunity to speak to you. Because we are now in the endgame. Julian needs his freedom urgently and Australia plays a critical role in securing his release.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Julian Assange, who have created a political environment in which support for Julian goes beyond party-political affiliation.I wish to thank the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, as well as the leader of the opposition Peter Dutton, for putting that position on the record, that Julian should be released so that he can come home.

But above all I would like to thank the overwhelming dedication of the Australian people, who have brought about a sea change in awareness and solidarity for Julians plight. This unity in support for my husband is a source of enormous encouragement for our family. It nurtures Julians ability to continue on.

The reality is that to regain his freedom, Julian needs the support of his home country. This is a political case, and it needs a political solution.

The groundswell of Australian support for Assanges freedom has been overwhelming. The most recent Ipsos poll published...


Reversing rural decline in PNG: the 11th Henry Kila Memorial Address "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

This is an edited extract of the 11th Henry Kila Memorial Address delivered to the 2023 Australia Papua New Guinea Business Forum and Trade Expo in Port Moresby on 16 May 2023. Read the full speech.

I was born in the mid-1980s, and grew up in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, in Enga, in Porgera District, in a beautiful government outpost called Kolombi, which was established by early Christian missionaries during the colonial era.

During its heyday, Kolombi was more than just a government outpost. When I was a kid, it had a well-functioning health centre that supervised more than ten aid posts. There was a police post with a permanent police officer, and a formidable village-court magistrate. Together they ensured law and order was maintained.

There was an agriculture extension officer to promote agriculture services, particularly for cash crops, and a kiap or government administrator. There was an LLG (local level government) chamber which ensured regular local council meetings were held, and a community school which I attended as a boy.

However, disaster struck in 1996 with the closure of Kolombis airstrip, apparently due to a lack of funding for maintenance.

When the airstrip closed, Kolombi started to face rural decay. All the vital government services slowly ceased: the police post closed down, the kiap left, most health workers left and all the aid posts shut down; the agriculture extension officer departed, and the community school closed down as the teachers left.

Without the presence of a government authority, law and order started to deteriorate.

As I have written about previously, I made the decision to leave. As a 13-year-old, I walked for 12 hours to Porgera town, in bare feet over treacherous terrain. I will forever be grateful to the family who adopted me, a complete stranger. They took me in and looked after me, enabling me to complete my schooling, and from high school I went to The University of Papua New Guinea and then The Australian National University.

However, as far as I can tell, I was the only one to escape Kolombi. No other child from my area, or virtually none, has received any formal education since 1996. By 1997, when I returned to Kolombi, again on foot, it was clear that government services had already stopped, and cash cropping had been abandoned.

Since then, things have only got worse. With the proliferation of guns and the total breakdown in law and order, many tribal fights have erupted, involving numerous tribes in the district, and destroying property and claiming many lives, including some of my relatives and friends.

All the development gains, even from before independence, have been lost.

What I have related is not uncommon. Indeed, it is the typical story of ru...


Frank Houston pedophile founder of Hillsong Sir Francis Rock Spider speaks from Hades "IndyWatch Feed National"

Frank Houston cartoon

Frank Houston, Founder of Hillsong, Sir Francis Rock Spider speaks from Hades. Still pulling the strings at Hillsong. Rock spider is jail slang for pedophiles. The origin of the term Rock Spider for pedophiles is Western Australian. See Rock Spider in Urban Dictionary for the very dark meanings of the term.



The Fight To Free Julian Assange, with Kevin Gosztola "IndyWatch Feed National"

The MintPress podcast The Watchdog, hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know including intelligence, lobby, and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light on stories largely ignored by the mainstream, corporate media.

It is now over four years ago that Julian Assange was spirited away from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and detained in Belmarshs maximum security prison. Being locked in a tiny concrete room for more than 1500 days has taken a serious toll on the Australian publisher; reports from this week suggest that his health is deteriorating by the minute.

One man who has covered the Wikileaks co-founders case closer than almost anyone is Kevin Gosztola. Gosztola is an American journalist, the managing editor of Shadowproof and co-hosts the Unauthorized Disclosure Podcast with Rania Khalek. He is the author of the new book Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case against Julian Assange. Today, he joins Watchdog host Lowkey to talk all things WikiLeaks, Assange, leaks and cybersecurity.

The U.S. government has always been hostile to leakers revealing embarrassing or compromising information about its actions. But Gosztola states that the Central Intelligence Agencys gloves came off in 2017 as it ramped up its attacks on Assange. By 2017, CIA Director Mike Pompeo had labeled WikiLeaks as a hostile non-state intelligence service and began turning the screw. For Gosztola, the CIAs response was a symptom of the agencys insecurity; And so at that point, the CIA probably feels they are threatened, their whole regime of pursuing the global war on terrorism is in jeopardy as a result of WikiLeaks, he told Lowkey.

It is often forgotten how much incredible, extraordinary information WikiLeaks provided the world. This included the Guantnamo prison manuals, which showed that the U.S. Army hid prisoners from Red Cross inspectors and illegally held captives in solitary confinement to soften them up for interrogation.


Wednesday, 24 May



240523 Foreign Business investment is important for Economic growth for Bougainville
New Dawn FM News

The focus of todays business forum is to find ways of promoting the rule of law and law and order in Bougainville to promote foreign business investment into the region.
This agenda became the focus of discussion and deliberation, to hear from different sectors and gauge views and ideas from the business community, the Department of Commerce, Trade and Economic Development and the Bougainville Police Service.
According to James Lloyd, a consultant with the Bougainville Partnership was grateful for the forum, in exchanging of ideas to understand the peoples view especially to invest in private sector.
He said this is best chance for the government and institutions to forge positive relationships and iron out such issues.
This forum is a follow-up from the Sharp Memorial Convention Centre in Arawa, last year, which laid the pathway of setting the regions economic roadmap, he said.
The department in partnership with the Buka Business Association is raising the agenda of addressing the rule of law concerned to promote the business environment conducive for foreign investment. ENDS////AK

All Presentations were carried live on New Dawn FM and NBC Bougainville sponsored by Bougainville Copper Limited.




240523 ABG government is progressing on the laid out economic pathway
New Dawn FM News
The business forum organized by the Department of Commerce, Trade and Economic Development served its purpose by gauging views from the business community, Buka Business Association (BBA), Private organizations, Law enforcing agencies and community government representatives.
According to Secretary of Commerce, Trade and Economic Development, Alex Kerangpuna the department through its engagements is making progressive grounds in the economic pathway set by the Sharp Memorial Agreement which laid its foundation in 2022.
He said after attending the investment climate reform in Port Moresby, the framework is now in-place and will now establish three Balsa factories will be setup in the North, Central and South Bougainville.
Labour mobility scheme will see 30 Bougainvilleans sent to Australia on June 30th, to work on farms, with estimated earnings of almost K2million.
Secondly, the Free Trade Zone held in Port Moresby two weeks ago, engaged through PNG International Trade office under Minister Hon Richard Maru to allow a Japanese professor to grace our shores to run an assessment study to assist ABG.
Thirdly, under the International Relations for Bougainville to participate in setting up our trade missions abroad to encourage foreign investors to do business in the region, he added.
Kerangpuna said we need to build investor confidence to promote foreign business into Bougainville. ENDS////AK



INTERVIEW: Peter Conway Racism and Rockets "IndyWatch Feed National"

Can music bring this generation together and heal the rifts of a divided society?

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on May 22, 2023, Patrick talks with UK singer, songwriter and recording artist, Peter Conway, about his new single, Racism and Rockets, and his intention and inspiration for the creating this new track, and also highlighting some of the real challenges facing humanity in the 21st century, including the culture wars and the controversy over identity politics. He also addresses the burning issues which have arisen in the wake of the global pandemic hysteria and the growing concerns over injuries and fatalities resulting from the experimental jab roll-out. With so much political division in todays society, can music help bring this generation together and heal the rifts of a divided society? All this and more. Listen:

More from Peter Conway:

Also stream or download his new song Racism and Rockets here: Racism and Rockets

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):



Visits of Justice: Stella Assanges Plea to Australia "IndyWatch Feed Capricornia"

It certainly got the tongues wagging, the keyboards pressed, and the intellectually dead aroused at least for a time. Given how many of those in the Australian press and media stable have been, for the most part, unconcerned, and in some cases celebratory, regarding the prosecution of Julian Assange, it was strikingly poignant to have his wife, Stella, present at the centre of Australias press epicentre: the National Press Club in Canberra.

For those familiar with the ongoing prosecution of the WikiLeaks founder by the United States via the extradition processes of the United Kingdom, a brutal carnivalesque endeavour that continues to blight that legal system, there is not much to be said. Stella had to get her point across to a pack of the uninitiated most of them, anyway and state the obvious fact that her husband is facing gloomy prospects across the pond for spilling the beans on the US National Security State. Once the doors open to such a prosecution on US soil, bets are off on the subject of publishing national security information in the public interest. For the first time in US legal history, a journalist, defamed and harassed, will be conveyed into the bowels of a carceral state so revolting it makes Belmarsh look like a modest retreat.

The method, however, lay in the personal touch, one that draws out Assange as the dedicated, loving, and intellectually stimulated everyman. There is talk about the fledging rainbow lorikeet that her husband reared when he was on Magnetic Island off the coast of Townsville in Queensland. Remembering the chestnut coated mare which he would ride when he stayed in the Northern Rivers. There was also surfing in Byron Bay in his teens, and beekeeping in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria.

Stellas agenda is clear, direct, and powerful. There is no time for frills. She knows that the realm of ideas has little truck with the breakfasting, lunching and dining journalists who titter across Canberra and offer the rest of Australia information of an embarrassingly poor quality. It was important to keep matters simple.

The adopted technique, then, is uncomplicated: focus on the man in prison, in captivity, and suffering because of it. I can tell you exactly what Julian is doing right now....


What Can a Gun-Toting Church Tell Us About Conservatives? "IndyWatch Feed National"

In recognition of the first anniversary of the massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX, we are reprinting this story written in 2018 by a member of our Mentor-Apprentice Program

The story of a Pennsylvania church blessing AR-15s made the rounds on traditional and social media last week. The ceremony at the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary ministry in rural Newfoundland, PA, was widely ridiculed as bizarre and out of touch, but once you take away some of the theatrics, how different are these worshippers really from millions of Americans and the NRA?


The answer, it turns out, is not that much.


WhoWhatWhy went to Newfoundland twice last week, attended the gun-blessing ceremony and saw some things that the rest of the media seems to have missed.


First, it is interesting that this event took place in Pennsylvania. Exactly 10 years ago, presidential candidate Barack Obama told a private gathering in the Keystone State that parts of its residents were bitter. He added that it is not surprising that rural Pennsylvanians cling to their guns, or religion, or antipathy to people who arent like them or anti-immigrant or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Obama took a lot of heat when the comments leaked. In hindsight, however, he basically pinpointed the sentiment that made Donald Trump his successor and that was on display at the Newfoundland church.

The response to Obamas remark was so dramatic that he was forced to publicly defend himself during a CNN town hall and, predictably, the GOP used his words as a talking point for years, tossing it as red meat to a base thats fueled by weapons-toting, faith-based voters.

Even four years later, vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan made mention of the remarks during campaign rallies.

Anybody witnessing the AR-15 blessing ceremony at the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary ministry in the wake of the tragic school shooting in Parkland, FL, would have a hard time walking away with a different conclusion from Obamas.

While the groups beliefs may seem extreme to most, they are not as uncommon as one might think.

Rev. Hyung Jin (Sean) Moon, the youngest son of Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon known for his mass wedding ceremonies in New York Citys Times Square took the stage accompanied by his wife Yeon Ah Lee Moon and carrying a gold-plated assault rifle, readying himself for another mass marriage ceremony.



Life with Googles Pixel 7a: An iPhone user goes Android "IndyWatch Feed National"

Googles newest phone is a bargain, and switching has some clear benefits. But heres why Im going back to my iPhone Profor now.

When people ask me if I use an iPhone or an Android smartphone, my reflexive answer is both. But the truth is that the last Android phone I used as a daily driver was a Google Pixel 3 back in 2019. Later that year, I replaced it with an iPhone 11 Pro, which gave way to the iPhone 13 Pro that I currently own. Denying that Im an iPhone user would be silly.

Read Full Story


During pandemic, Tim Scott embraced masks and Fauci. Will it impact his run for president? "IndyWatch Feed National"

During pandemic, Tim Scott embraced masks and Fauci. Will it impact his run for president? --Sen. Tim Scott encouraged people to join a 30-day mask challenge during the COVID pandemic. | 23 May 2023 | When the 2024 presidential campaign season heats up and GOP candidates are likely asked about their connection to conventional pandemic-response doctrine, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott might have a lot for which to answer - but he won't be alone. Scott, who officially entered the race Monday, urged Americans during the pandemic to wear a mask, supported vaccinations and Dr. Anthony Fauci - who was effectively the country's top medical scientist during the pandemic when much of the U.S. went on lockdown... In a June 2020 congressional hearing, Scott seemed to back a campaign to encourage Americans to get vaccinated, even before the vaccines were fully available.


New Zealand wont give up its nuclear-free stance, says Prime Minister Chris Hipkins "IndyWatch Feed Niugini"

Mark Quinlivan, 23 May 23,

New Zealands nuclear-free position is long-standing and its not going to change.

Chris Hipkins is refusing to budge on New Zealands nuclear-free status and says there are still no plans for Aotearoa to join a non-nuclear arm of a US-led defence alliance.

The Prime Minister appeared on AM on Tuesday, having just returned from a trip to Papua New Guinea to meet with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Pacific leaders.

I was pretty clear [with Blinken]; New Zealands nuclear-free position is long-standing and its not going to change, he told host Ryan Bridge.  

Hipkins noted that position would prevent New Zealand from ever being directly involved in a defence alliance between Australia, the UK and the US known as AUKUS.

The US is still committed to a security relationship with New Zealand regardless of our nuclear-free status I think thats a good thing.

Hipkins would not be drawn on even considering the possibility of allowing US nuclear submarines into New Zealand waters.

We dont allow those in New Zealand waters and thats not going to change, he said. Many other Pacific nations have similar concerns.

Bridge asked Hipkins what New Zealands specific concerns were.

The Prime Minister said New Zealand was concerned about nuclear energy because of the environmental impact of it, and the potential for environmental disaster.

As for New Zealand joining a second, nuclear-...


The Cycle of Rebellions "IndyWatch Feed National"

Spartacus Rebellion 73-71 BC

QUESTION: Marty, nobody has done such intense research geopolitically than you. This theory of a one-world government seems absurd with so many languages and cultures. Looking at Ukraine, Kyiv is demanding the people in the Donbas speak only Ukrainian and they must surrender their religion to the Patriarch in Kyiv. This is at least a parallel to the French seizing the Vatican and moving it to Avignon. I believe you have said that was the exact opposite of how Rome built an empire.

So, my question is straightforward. While Rome may have lasted for a thousand years, there were civil wars and uprisings like the Spartacus Rebellion. Can you elaborate on the cycle of civil wars in Rome? Is this our fate?


ANSWER: This arrogance that a one-world government will end war is absurd. The Roman Empire was one government and it had numerous rebellions and civil wars. So much for this their intent to make the UN and the WHO rule the world. Nobody ever seems to refer to history and just ask has this been tried before? What was the outcome?

The Social War, also called Italic War, or Marsic War, (9188 BC) was a revolt of Romes Italian allies (socii, hence Social War). This was the first real civil war following the birth of the Republic in 509 BC. The alli...


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 3.95 AUD

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